Chapter II: The Noises

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-Courtney's POV-

It was late that night and I woke up to a sound of someone moving around. I thought it might be Ace so I didn't turn around. I started to feel someone breathing on my neck, it was warm and harsh. I slowly turned around to see the same man from before standing at the side of my bed.

"ACE ACE!" I yelled as loud as I could. The man covered my mouth and threw me into the ground. He froze the door solid and froze the windows to. He was the ice element just like Iceas. He pulled out a holo phone. Then he dropped it and it turned on.

"Courtney wonderful surprise isn't it? Long time no see. I see you've met Base." I knew one thing that voice was Tara.

"You I thought you died!"

"You thought wrong, Mikey just faked my death so one day I could kill all your pathetic friends. And you of course."

"Get out of here Tara you can't win!"

"Oh can't I? I almost killed you with one shot. But don't worry I won't go easy on you like Mikey always did. Ta ta for now darling."

Tara's hologram was gone. And soon the man was also gone.

"Courtney are you okay?" Ace ran in and slipping on the ice. He landed on his butt.

"Haha oh Ace I'm fine but Tara's back and made some new friends."

"Great more girl drama to deal with. Let's just find her and jab a knife into her skull."

"That might work but we have to be super careful from now on."

"Ya we can't let anyone get killed." Ace said walking out.

-Ace's POV-

After Courtney told me about Tara I was a little confused. Mikey had seen her die and Courtney had seen the body. So many questions but not enough time.

I went ahead and called the others to tell them what was going on. I didn't know how she was alive or how that man got into our home. I had asked the building manager if I could see the video tapes. He let me but there was no sign of the man. The view was just outside out apartment and you could see the door freeze up then melt that was it. I was confused and I hate being confused. Why did it seem like Tara was only targeting Courtney? Why had I not been attacked? Just too many questions.



"I found this."

She walked down the stairs still wearing her Ramones t-shirt and a pair of pajama pants. Her hair was up in a messy bun and she looked as if she had been awake for days.

"This was on my window."

She handed me a note that read

You can't hide forever. They will kill you. Your a murderer of many people. You destroyed a whole town from a panic attack. Your damage is done and you will be killed for it. No one will be there to protect you. Not your lover or the man that raised you, Chris. There is a trader among your friends be careful.

I hadn't none that Courtney had leveled a town. I hadn't none a lot of that because she doesn't talk about her past much. But I can't blame her.

"Who wrote this?"

"I don't know, and I don't know how they no about my past. Mikey didn't even know some of those things."

She looked pale as if she was going to pass out. I quickly got a chair for her and we continued.

"It's going to be okay. Tara can't get us and I doubt there's a trader. Our friends would never rat is out."

I honestly didn't know how to comfort her anymore. Maybe there was a trader. If so who was it? I love these guys I won't ever think one would betray us. But if so who?

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