Chapter V: Dreams

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-Courtney's POV-

I couldn't remember much, we'll actually I didn't even know if I was awake or not. There was darkness and only darkness. The only light was a small dot in the distance. I began to walk towards it. As I got closer I could here growling and clawing. There was a huge door in front of me and I decided to open it and see what was behind it. As I pushed it open three animals came lunging at me. They had sharp teeth, glowing red eyes, long claws, blood coming out of their eyes and mouth, and a weird smirk on them. Before I could react they were on top of me butting and ripping my skin. I felt one bite the bone and when I looked down at my arm the bone was almost in two. I thought I was going to die but someone called them off.

"Hounds off!"

"Thank you sir."

I said struggling to sit up. He came closer to me and pulled me up. It was my brother.

"Mikey! I thought you were dead?"

"I am dead and you're about to be as we'll. Tara has done my job we'll. If you do end up living then you will have dreams of terror that will drive you insane. There is no escape from us no escape."

That stupid grin came on his face but when I went to slap it off he was gone. I began to open my eyes. The bright white light burned as I squinted to see. It was cold and quite.I realized I was in a hospital room. I couldn't quite see anything other than blobs and colors, I didn't have my contacts in, so I started to sit up and someone's hand pushed me back down.

"Courtney....." Ace started.

"The monsters I mentioned when I first met you. They....."

He trailed the word on for awhile. I knew something was wrong but I didn't know what and I wanted to know cause I'm noisy.

"Ace what about the monsters? I thought they were you're imagination."

"You thought wrong. They hurt you while you were out. And they are now closer to us then ever before. We have to be careful or else they will kill us."

"I guess I understand."

"You don't believe me but look at your self."

He handed me a mirror and across my face I had a scar. It went from my forehead to my jaw line. My lip had been busted and my leg was in shreds basically. There was a lot of dried blood to. I did not look like Courtney anymore.

My eyes got wide as the doctor walked in.

"Good she's awake and moving that's a good sign."

He quickly pushed my back down and bandaged up my shredded leg.

"Now Miss Ross, I know you're probably confused about what's going on but that's okay. You'll be fine and your boyfriend here will tell you everything."

He smiled at me and walked out.

"Ace is there more to this. Why are you not telling me?"

"I'm telling you all you need to know right now."

-Aces POV-

I couldn't tell her. It was to horrifying to think about let alone talk about. It's like what she dreamed happened almost. The monsters are back and trying to get me I can't put her in that path. I have no control but maybe I can stop them without involving her. It would be a giant risk but I mean she's a mess. Bloody, scared, damaged, and she can't even see them. She doesn't need to be involved this is my battle and I will fight it.

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