Chapter VI: Monsters

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-Aces POV-

I hurried and ran out of that hospital. They have always given me a sick feeling inside of me. Maybe it's just cause I'm crazy. I couldn't help but think, how did they get her from a dream? I've here'd a lot of stories but this one was whack. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I here'd the sound of someone screaming.

"Get out of the road kid! I almost hit you!" the lady in the black Corvette yelled.

"Sorry ma'am!"

-flash back-

I didn't quite know anything really other than that I got home around 9:00 pm. I could here deep heavy breathing coming from up stairs. It was intimidating and a little weird. Courtney never had asthma attacks or any breathing problems other than when the poll went through her chest. So I knew it wasn't her. I took the dented metal baseball bat from the closet as quite as I could. I gripped it while my knuckles were turning white. The stairs creaked and cracked as my feet would step. Finally I reached the top. Sweat turning my white shirt grey. I grabbed the door knob and turned it slightly. The 'click' sound was loud to my ears. As I walked in I saw blood and lots of it. It trailed from the floor to the walls and back to the bed. That's when the black spirit like figure turned to me. It's beaming red eyes looked at me. It smiled with a stupid yet frightening grin. It was all black yet I could still see through it. Once my eyes blinked it was gone and Courtney was in shreds. Her heart beat was minimal and the blood was still coming out. I took off my shirt and wrapped it around her head. As I carried her down the stairs bridal style the blood had already leaked through. It was warm on my half naked body.

I stepped out the door and ran to the hospital. My legs were not as fast as I wanted them to be, but we got there. Just in time to.


She was okay I hoped. Nothing had been the same since I met her in the convenient store. I had changed, I wasn't as messed up as I used to be. She had changed me in a good way. I walked into the house and slammed the door. I sat down in front of it with my knees pulled up to my chest. Umbra was not as safe anymore now that the 'things' know where we are. We had to get out and fast. I know she couldn't leave everyone behind again, and neither could I, but we had no choice in this. I grabbed two suitcases from the top of the closet and spread the out. The one was brown and the other red. I filled the brown one up with my plaid shirt, a couple white tees, underwear, medicine, water bottles, and a blanket. The red on had Courtney's shorts, black t-shirt, shoes, bobby pins, another blanket, and some other clothes of hers. I grabbed all the money we had, $400. The luggage was in my hands as I walked out the door and to the hospital. When I got there I sat them down in Courtney's room and grabbed her hand. She quietly opened her eyes. The pain and suffering in them was hard to look past.


She trailed off. I knew she had been awake arguing with the doc.

"Another week or so she should be good as new!" the doc said.

"That's to long we have to go now. This might happen again."

"Mr. Walker please she is in no condition to move yet alone fly on a plane or travel!"

"Dr. Johnson please! These monsters will come back! I can't let her get hurt."

"Fine but you'll have to be super careful transporting her. She is in intense pain."

"Thanks doc!"

I quickly 'borrowed' Chris's old car and drove back. The doc helped me put Court in the back seat. He handed me a lot of medication along with hospital forms. As I drove off I threw the paper out of the window. If she was in pain she would tell me.

-Courtney's POV-

I could tell I wasn't in the hospital because when I opened my eyes, I could see a brown roof. I tried to sit up but the pain plush a seat belt held me down. I turned my head to see who was driving me. I was terrified to see who it was knowing my past. My contacts were still out so it looked like a big glob of color to me. I just laid there and here'd the car stop. The mystery man got out and opened up the back seat door by my feet.

"Good your awake."

I quickly kicked him back and sat up. I had intense pain running through my head along with my stomach. As I stood outside the car I grabbed my side and slid down the side of the BMW. My head was spinning and my side felt like I had been stabbed. The man was coming over to me fast. I closed my eyes and flinched waiting for the blow. Nothing came or happened other than and firm hand crease my face.

"You don't have contacts in do you Court?"

"Huh how do you know my name?"

"It's me Ace. Are you okay?"

"Oh Ace ya I'm fine just my side. It hurts real bad."

"Here let me take a look."

He lifted up my long black t-shirt and his eyes went wide for a second. He pulled my shirt back down and handed me so aspirin. I stood up slowly as I walked over to the passenger seat and sat down. Ace was right behind me helping me into the car even tho I didn't need it. He got back into the car and we started to drive again.

"Ace where are we going?"

"Somewhere away from Umbra."

That's all he ever said to me the rest of the ride.

-Aces POV-

As I lifted up her shirt I saw bruising and almost a bone. I pulled her shirt down fast and helped her into the front seat and took off. She kept asking where we were headed. All I could tell her was away because I didn't exactly know where to go. All I knew was we had to get away from Umbra.

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