Chapter VII: Salutem Harena

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Salutem Harena means survival arena in Latin. It is the land of the plant people. Don't ask why the didn't name is something like Plant. This was the plant nation. This is where they would be safe, or will they?

-Aces POV-

Salutem Harena is nothing like Umbra. I'm surprised Chris owns Umbra the land of shadows and not Salutem Harena. This place I had been once or twice before. It always filled me with joy seeing the children playing and the beautiful scenery. Salutem Harena is one of the most beautiful realms. It had wide open fields, flowers blossoming everywhere, a big blue sky, and a bright shinning sun. It was almost like heaven except for the people. They were rude, mean, crazy, and messed up. Some of them were drug dealers, rapers, prostitutes, gangs who didn't care who they killed, and insane people. I loved this place but the people would stop at nothing to get what they want.

I pulled into a hotel parking lot. This was probably the only place we could stay for awhile until we land on our feet again. I looked down at Courtney. Her eyes we shut as her blond hair layer across her face. She was so peaceful that I couldn't help but smile. I opened her door and softly shook her.

"Wake up Courtney. I'm hungry and tired so wake up!"

She opened her eyes and to my surprise they went huge. She looked as if she was staring at something behind me. Then I knew exactly what was behind me, one of the gangs.

"Hey man! That's a pretty lady you got there. Why don't we take her off your hands for awhile." One of the men said with a joker like grin.

"No. now get lost."

"Oh the little mans got some anger huh. We'll we always get what we want so we'll just take it." The man rushed over and punched me right in my jaw. I felt blood fly across the pavement and I turned my head back towards him. Three other men were running at me also. I grabbed the one who hit me in the neck. I slammed him on the ground and the other guy wrapped his feet around my neck and pulled me back. One of the guys was already in the car but I couldn't get to him. The world was going black but I had fought tougher guys than this weekling I could take him.

-Courtney's POV-

I didn't see the guy coming until he was in the car with me. He jumped into the front seat and stared at me. He smiled a devious smile and grabbed my hair. He then smashed my head onto the dashboard repeatedly. I could feel the blood running down my face into my mouth. My screams filled the car. He quickly put a cloth over my mouth. I knew what was on it, chloroform. I didn't breath at all I just shut my eyes so he would think I had breathed it in. He took it away and took something out of his pocket along with a lighter. I couldn't see much since I was squinted as little as I could, but he lighted something. It glowed a bright light then I felt a pain in my side.

It was a brander and he had branded me with the letter X. I screamed and he quickly started punching me repeatedly in the stomach and face. I here'd screams outside of the car and I saw Ace using his shadow possession on the other guys.

-Aces POV-

I used my shadow possession on the other guys and made them knock themselves out. I ran over to the car and grabbed the guys neck and threw him across the parking lot. He got up and ran as fast as he could. I looked at Courtney and saw the brand mark. I quickly rushed her inside the hotel and got us a room. We got up and I went back to get our bags. When I came back up she had already taken care of her cuts and bruises. She sat me down and began taking care of mine. We finally had finalized unpacking and bandaging each other. We just laid on the king bed and fell asleep. That wasn't the end of it though. I could feel her kicking and panting a through the night. She was in so much pain from the broken ribs to the brand mark and the fracture skull. She never had much luck in these sorta things.

It had to be around 8:30 am when I woke up. I looked down at her and she was still asleep. I got up quietly and began making some coffee. The one thing I love is coffee no matter what kind or how many sugars are in it, I love it. I gulped down about half of it when a knock came at our door. I opened it with my cup of coffee in one hand. I had some pretty bad bed head, my lip was busted, and I still had some injury a from before. When I opened that door is probably the worst sight to see in the morning.


She was mad and you really never want to piss her off, especially in the morning.


And then my morning got worse.

She slapped me.


"Why did u leave?"

"The um the mon..." My words trailed out of my mouth.

"The monsters? Ace I know what happens was weird and all but she's fine, we'll okay. We just have to move on."

"It's not like that. They won't leave us alone so we found somewhere to stay for awhile and so far it hasn't gone we'll. we got jumped last night."

"Really? Oh Ace you stupid bastard. I really should have you microchipped."


"Ace we already said our 'hi's' and 'hellos'. Let's just get to the point. Next time you leave tell me! Everyone was worried sick!"

"I couldn't of told you! You would have followed me!"

"Maybe. But still okay she's fine now let's just head home Ace please."

"Bandit she, she......"

"Spit it out boy!"

"She is in no condition to move. She needs to rest. All our lives we have been running, running away from things. Know it's time to actually settle down somewhere and start over fresh. There is no way I'm letting her move in her condition and maybe, maybe I want to settle down somewhere away from the monsters."

"Ace you just said we have to stop running. Stop running away from the past."

"It's not the past I'm afraid of. It's the future and what will happen with the monsters."

"Okay Ace I understand. Just know that Chris and I are here for you. Call me if you need anything."

"Thanks Bandit. I love you."

She turned to me and gave me a smirk and walked out. I was relived I got that off my chest. We really did just need to settle down. Even if it was here we had to, at least for a couple months.

-Courtney's POV-

I could here Ace yelling from outside the bedroom. He wanted to settle down somewhere. I don't think here is the place with everything that's happened. It's a lot from the monsters, gangs, Mikey, Sara, Tara, mind control, and everything else. It just never seems to end. Is now the right time? In this neighborhood? I hope he has made a good decision.

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