Chapter IX: Baby

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-Courtney's POV-

I sat there in shock. It couldn't be happening. I couldn't be, not yet. Ace had rushed in to see what was happening. I don't think he truly understood what was happening to me. That afternoon I decided to head to the convenient store across the street. Ace was getting our bags packed and heading to our new home. As I entered the store I made sure to check each isle before heading to the Pharmacy.

"Can I help you ma'am?" The lady asked politely.

"Yes actually can I um have a um...."

"A pregnancy test it is!"

I didn't know she could read my mind but I'm glad she did. I paid for it and headed to the hotel. I went into the bathroom and took it. I waited and waited when I got my answer. I am pregnant. I would be more excited if I knew who was the father. Wait did I? The last person who I had sex with was one of Mikey's men. I would have known by now if it was his. Me and Ace did have a drink about a month ago. We had gotten drunk but. It hit me like a truck. Ace and I must have had sex. Now I was overjoyed at the fact that I'm pregnant. I quickly checked out of the hotel and ran to our new home. I slammed open the door almost hitting Chris in the face.

"Where's Ace?"

"Up stairs why?"

"You'll see!"

I ran up the spiral stair case and into the bedroom. I almost pushed Ace over as I jumped into his arms. I kissed him on the lips.

"What was that for?"

"Ace there's something I needed to tell you!"


"We'll remember when we were having our drink the other night and got drunk?"


"I'm pregnant!"

His eyes went big and his mouth dropped. He picked me up and twirled me around.

-Ace's POV-

"I'm pregnant!"

My eyes went wide and my jaw fell open. She's pregnant I can't believe it! I'm going to be a dad. I picked her up and twirled her around.

"I'm going to be a dad and your going to be a mom!"


That's when I here'd my phone ring. It was Bandit.


"Put me on speaker!"

I put her on speaker and before I knew it she was yelling "congratulations" at us. I knew exactly who told her, Chris. And it's like Beatle juice you say his name to many times and he appears. He was at our door way with Bandit and they both gave us a huge hug! we were all so excited! I didn't quite know how we could get by with a new bang but I knew we would make it work.

8 months later......

-Courtney's POV

"Damn it Ace get the car this baby is coming!"

"I'm coming. Here let me help you to the car."

"I can do it I'm not helpless!"


We got into the car and the pain was terrible. It was more intense than any fight or encounter I've had. I was screaming and I knew Ace wanted to put duck tape over my mouth. It was brutal and to make matters worse when we got there I had to have a emergency C section. They rushed me into the surgery room and began to put the breath thing over my mouth. I passed out but all I could think about was my unborn child.

-Ace's POV-

I sat in the waiting room saying "Hi" to all the doctors and nurses. I was a regular here. I knew she had to have a C section and now I was shaking my leg and twitching my fingers. It had been hour after hour. I sat there staring at the door just waiting for the doctor to come out. I guess I must have dozed off because next thing I know is that one if the nurses is shaking me awake.

"Sir your wife is doing fine and so is the baby."

"Oh she's not my wife just my girlfriend."

"Well then your "girlfriend" is awaiting you."

She gave me a weird look as I walked into Courtney's bedroom. There she sat with a big smile on her face. She was holding not one but TWO bundles of fabric. She looked up at me.

"Ace I had twins! And they are both boys!"

My face lit up. I've always wanted to have kids. And always a boys. I ran over and picked them up. The one had blue eyes just like mine and light blonde hair like Courtney's. The other had dark blue eyes and darker hair.

"What do you want to name him? I know you have a name in mind." She asked me.

"Slater" I said. I've always loved that name. "what about you?"

"Western" she said.

Slater was the one with light blue eyes and light hair. Western had dark blue eyes and dark hair. We revived there birth certificates.

Name: Slater John Evens

Weight: 8lbs 9ounces

Born: March 9th, 2014

Time: 1:02 pm

Name: Western Paul Evens

Weight: 7lbs 6ounces

Born: March 9th, 2014

Time: 1:01 pm

-Courtney's POV-

I couldn't believe Ace and I had twins. The next thing I couldn't expect either. He went down on one knee and pulled out a ring.

"Would you marry me?" he asked.


Now with being engaged and having two little boys of our own. We can now start our life the normal way. All bad guys, pain, suffering, torture, and sexual offense was now behind us. We now started our life with too little boys and a beautiful relationship.

The End

Authors Notes:

Hey guys hope you liked it. Thank you all for reading this book and the Puppet Master. It means a lot to know you like them. Hope you enjoyed it!

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