Chapter 12

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He removed himself from her arms before walking over to the staircase and finding Darcie stood there in her pyjamas with her teddy in hand. "Okay princess, I'll be up in a minute. I've just gotta sort something out," he said gently and she nodded before heading back to her room to wait for him. He turned back around with a smirk to find Christina stood there not looking at all impressed. "Surprise," he said with a goofy smile and a jazz hands gesture resulting in her pushing past him as she headed for the stairs. He couldn't help but laugh at her outburst.

"Aubrey this isn't even funny, you honestly take me for a joke," she said angrily as she made her way to their bedroom. He followed after her once he had calmed down a little knowing he was only going to wind her up even more if he kept laughing.

"Babe, come on." He said as he walked into the room and closed the door. "Let me explain," She just looked at him before gesturing for him to continue. "I know it's a lot to take in and I promise I was gonna tell you, but I just didn't think you were ready to know yet,"

"You think I wasn't ready to know that the man I'll be marrying in less than a year has a daughter? Honestly you sound ridiculous right now," She took off her jacket and went to hang it up in her closet. "Is that why you moved us out here? So you could be closer to her?"

"No it's not. I promise you I only just found out the other week. I didn't know either and Nicki wasn't going to tell me for this specific reason," He explained. "She got pregnant with her just before we took off for college and she thought it would be best if she didn't tell because she didn't want it to interfere with what I was pursuing. When we got back in contact I thought nothing of it, because I hadn't seen her in so long, but after dwelling on it for a little while I realised she's a spitting imagine of me and there's no way to deny that she's mine. And being that I've already missed so much of her life, I didn't want to miss anymore, so I decided to hold off on telling you, but play my role as her father,"

"So you and Nicki weren't just best friends then? There was more to it," She asked as she tried to hold back her tears, now feeling threatened by the whole situation.

He sighed, not sure on how to answer her question without posing Nicki as a threat. "We were best friends, and yes towards the end of our time together as teenagers, we did try to pursue something more and Darcie was the outcome, but now we're just friends and I promise you there's nothing else going on." He walked over to her and placed a kiss on her temple. "I'm sorry for not telling you earlier but it is what it is,"

She just moved away from him and started getting her things ready for a shower without giving him any further responses. He took that as his cue to leave and made his way to Darcie's room where he found her laying on her bed with teddy in hand. He couldn't help but smile at the sight.

"It's okay if you're busy daddy, you can read me the story another time," She said softly as she looked up at him.

He just chuckled before picking up the book that was on her bedside table and taking a seat next to her on her bed causing her to sit up and lean against him. He put his arm around her and opened the book.

"It's okay princess, it's not your issue," He said before placing a kiss on her temple and starting on the book...

After a few hours, Christina had started to question why he hadn't come to bed yet. She had assumed he would sleep in one of the guest rooms but she also hadn't heard any footsteps in a while or any of the lights being switched on or off. She decided to go out and check.

She walked through the various room not finding him in any of them, before she made it to what she had now worked out was Darcie's room, only to find them both knocked out on the bottom bunk. She couldn't help but give a small smile at the sight. Despite her reaction earlier, she had found out that she had no choice but to accept this new found knowledge and adapt her lifestyle so that Darcie would feel welcome, because after all she was marrying him and therefore had to accept everything that he came with.


"Mommy," Darcie cheerfully shouted as she ran towards her mother who was walking in their direction.

Nicki picked her up and spun her around before showering her with kisses. "Hey beautiful, I've missed you so much," she said and gave her another big kiss on her cheek before putting her down. Darcie gladly dragged her the rest of the way towards her father before running off to play with her new friend and leaving them to talk.

Nicki gave him a small smile before leading the conversation. "Hey, how was she?"

"She was a star," he responded with a smile and watched as Nicki took the seat next to him. "I must say she reminds me a lot of you. She's got your attitude and she's picked up so many of your habits," he chuckled causing her to do the same.

"What can I say," Nicki said with a shrug. It went quiet for a moment as they watched her play before nicki spoke up again: "What time are you expecting Christina back?"

He let out a light laugh causing her to give him a confused look. "She already back," he said with a sigh. "She arrived back last night, she said they got let off early,"

"So what did she say about Darcie?"

"Nothing, I mean what could she say. She was surprised and she did get a bit angry, but I guess after some time to cool off she came to terms with the fact that it is what is it is and she can't change that. But at least now she knows." He looked over at her and they locked eyes. "She also asked me if I still had feelings for you, based off of what she now knows about our past,"

Nicki just bit her lip before moving her focus to her lap instead. "And what did you say to her?" She asked ready to be brought back to reality.

"I told her that we tried to build something when we were younger and as of for now, there was nothing going on," he said softly as he studied her body language before moving closer to her and forcing her to look at him. "But I don't know if it's gonna stay that way anymore Nic, because I don't really know what I want now,"

They held their gaze for a little while before he slowly leaned in and placed his lips on hers. She didn't stop him, nor did she pull away; instead she kissed him back.

The kiss was slow and sensual and lasted for a good moment before he pulled away, giving her one last peck before moving back to where he was previously sat. She looked away from him to avoid his intrusive gaze as he studied her. "I'm almost 100% sure that I want you, but I can't be certain because I don't want to invest myself if you don't want me too," he said softly.

Nicki just stood and picked up Darcie's bag that was next to him before calling her over and allowing them to say their goodbyes. Once they were done they headed back to their cars and went in their separate directions without any other exchange of words...


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