Chapter 17

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Drake walked down the stairs of his home, after having finished his morning routine and taken a shower, to the sound of the familiar voices of his family members. A few had spent the night after the barbecue due to them living too far out to travel in the very early hours of the morning that the gathering finally came to an end in.

"Morning," He said as he walked into the living room, and received an array of 'good morning's' back. "Did everyone sleep well?" He asked and was met with a positive feedback.

"Must say, I'm definitely feeling those tequila shots this morning," Johnny said with a chuckle and the others agreed.

The conversations soon continued flowing as everyone just enjoyed the atmosphere of the late morning. Drake took that as his chance to head over to the guest house where his parents had stayed, along with his aunt and uncle.

He found them all just enjoying a conversation as they sat in the living room with the news playing in the background. After greeting them all with a 'good morning' he took his seat on one of the empty armchairs and just engaged in the news.

"Where's Christina this morning?" His aunt asked, after not having seen her at breakfast and seeing him appearing on his own to greet them.

"She's probably getting her hair done. She has a private appointment scheduled to get her hair done every sunday so I assume that's where she's headed. I was asleep when she left so she didn't inform me," he gave with a small shrug. "I'll message her in a bit and find out,"

He diverted his attention back to the TV allowing the elders to have a conversation with their eyes as the room fell silent.

"Well we're gonna head into the house and see how the others are seeing as we'll be heading home soon," His aunt said as she stood and his uncle followed suit. They made their way out of the guest house leaving Sandi and Dennis alone with their son.

Drake just chuckled knowing the situation all too well. "Go on, what am I in trouble for today,"

"Not so much in trouble hun, but we just observed some uncertainties in you yesterday that we felt we need to understand," Sandi said softly to him as he refused to look at them.

"Uncertainties like what?" He asked, trying not to come off rude or harsh, knowing they only cared for his happiness and that was the only reason they had these talks with him.

"For starters, what was that whole situation with Christina about? And don't tell me it was nothing because from then I could sense a shift in your mood, one that's still present now,"

He just sighed. There was no point in coming up with an excuse because he knew his parents knew him like the back of their hand. "She wasn't happy about the way I was looking at Nicki, so she made it clear to me that there would be consequences if I did it again. And being the man I am, that didn't sit well with me at all,"

"I mean can you blame her," Dennis said knowing he was adding salt to the wound. "Anyone who knows you will tell you that you are still in love with that girl. That child isn't the only reason you're holding onto your relationship to her and you and I both know that,"

Drake clenched his jaw at his father's words and kept his gaze fixed ahead of him. He told no lies and drake knew that, but he was still struggling to come to terms with it himself and that's what made the situation so difficult.

"How do you tell a woman that you were about to promise a lifetime to, that you no longer want to give them that?" He asked. "How do you tell her that in the very short time that you moved back to your hometown and made a great business deal, you managed to find your first love and your first child and with that you found out that you heart still heavily resides with her. How do you do it because I'm struggling," he said finally looking at them.

Sandi sighed. "I know it's hard, but these things happen for a reason Aubrey, they really do. This wasn't a coincidence, because too much happened in such a short space of time for it to be that."

"You don't have to throw it at her all at once, but you will need to let her know because it's clear this soon to be marriage is no longer what you want. At the time you proposed you were head over heels for Christina and everyone could see that, but since finding Onika that flame you once had with chris is slowly burning out." Dennis said to his son.

"Your father's right hun. You're gonna need to decide yourself whether you're going to completely let it burnout, or if you're gonna add fuel to it and keep it burning..."


"We've made a decision," the young man said as he stood with his wife after having their self guided tour around the house. "We want this one," he said before sharing a smile with his wife.

Nicki returned the smile. "That's great! If you're 100% that this is the one you want then we can get the paperwork sorted for you and the arrangements for a mortgage set up." She said as they stood in the hallway. "When's best for you both to stop by the office?" she asked.

"Anytime," the young lady said. "The sooner the better,"

"Well I can have the contract and other various paperwork sorted for you by tomorrow, so you could come to the office tomorrow at 12, and we can have the deal finalised?" she asked and they both agreed. "Perfect, I'll see you both tomorrow then." And at that she gave them both a hand shake and they all headed their separate ways, leaving nicki to make sure that the house was completely locked up...

When she arrived back the office she took the keys to the house back up to the floor that they belong on, and headed to her office to begin on paperwork. She walked past drake on the journey back to her office and was surprised when their encounter consisted of no exchange of words at all, just a brief moment of eye contact and they were on their way. She felt a need to question the change in attitude but at the same time, was kind of glad that she didn't have to list the reason they couldn't be together once again.

She sat just reading over the key point in the contract when her phone vibrated, indicating a new text message. She looked over it and gave a small smile as she looked at the name, before opening it and engaging in the conversation.

 She looked over it and gave a small smile as she looked at the name, before opening it and engaging in the conversation

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She chuckled at the message and couldn't help the smile that remained on her face. They'd had a few text conversations over the weekend and had just got to know each other, realising they had more in common than not and Nicki like that. Of course at this point in time she wasn't particularly looking for anything relationship wise, especially given her current predicament, but it was nice to have someone she could talk to.

 Of course at this point in time she wasn't particularly looking for anything relationship wise, especially given her current predicament, but it was nice to have someone she could talk to

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And at that she locked her phone and placed it back on her desk ready to continue with her work...


The Boy is coming to terms with his feelings and struggling to act accordingly. Please leave some comments.

Much Appreciated

_PaintedPyramids & fyesdrizzy

Through Her Eyes: A Dricki StoryWhere stories live. Discover now