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"Aren't you a beautiful little elf," Nicki said to her son as he lay excitedly kicking about on his changing table. "Green is definitely your colour baby boy, it really brings out your eyes." She picked him and held him close to her as she fixed his curls. She placed a kiss on his head as he lay his head comfortable on her shoulder whilst she made sure they were all set to join the others downstairs.

The girls had long woken up and made it their mission to wake up the rest of the household too. Dominic on the other hand, enjoyed his morning lie in, so it resulted in them waiting a little longer than they wanted to. Nonetheless they had finally made it to the time they were waiting for, and excited was an understatement.

"Good morning papa," Drake said as he placed a kiss on his son's temple, gaining him a smile. "You're havING a lazy morning today huh," he asked him as he watched him observe the room from the comfort of his mother's shoulder.

"He definitely is, but that's a good start, means he's in a good mood today," She said as she took a seat on the edge of the couch closest the chair, with the girls who were already shaking through the boxes. She chuckled as Drake handed them their first gifts and they wasted no time shredding the paper. "You didn't even get good morning kisses today papa, they're more interested in the colourful boxes under the tree," Nicki said with a chuckle causing drake to do the same.

"It's about to be a long day and we're only getting started," Drake said smiling at the joy radiating from their daughters...


"There's my favourite boy," Sandi said as she walked into the house and found her grandson in the arms of his father.

"Hello to you to mom," he said sarcastically, gaining him a pinch on the arm. "Ow,"

"And that's why he's my favourite," she said as she reached out for him and he passed over the very happy baby. "Hello handsome, I've missed you," she said as she placed a kiss on his cheek. "Your daddy has been hiding you from me,"

"I have not, you know what," he said and walked over to his mother in law who had also just arrived and greeted her with a hug, knowing he wasn't going to win that debate...

"So how has it been with the three of them? I know it must be difficult with Drew and baby boy together," Emani asked as she and Nicki sat watching as the kids played.

"It can be tough at times. Drew's really starting to find her personality and be a lot more self aware so it can definitely be a challenge, but overall it's not too bad. I'm thankful that they're all such lovely kids you know," she said and Emani nodded. "How are you and Chubbs doing? I assume it's a lot easier now that he's home a lot more,"

"Definitely. A job that had him travelling so much made it tough, but I love that he's around more now. Dad life really brings out the soft side in him you know," she said with a smile as she looked at her fiance who was busy trying to beat his best friend in a game of nba 2k.

"I know what you mean. Aubrey's always been a softy, but the kids really bring out a whole different side to him." She said just as her middle baby ran over holding out one of the bracelets she had gotten in her princess dress up kit. "You wanna put this on mama?" Nicki asked her as she helped her to fasten the bracelet. Drew smiled once it was on, and gave her mother a 'thank you' before running off again.

"A woman of few words," Emani said with a chuckle.

"If you didn't know any better you'd think she couldn't speak, but boy would you be wrong," Nicki laughed.

"How does it feel to be one year into forever," Emani asked her, being that their one year anniversary had recently passed a couple of weeks ago.

"Still so surreal. Feels like it was yesterday we were just promising each other forever and we're already one year down." She said as she admired her husband. "And so much has changed in that year. Sometimes you gotta really ask yourself where has the time gone,"

Through Her Eyes: A Dricki StoryWhere stories live. Discover now