Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Nicki was distracted from her thoughts by a knock on her door. She gave the person permission to walk in and was surprised when she saw him.

Their relationship had been fairly distant over the past few months, and although it was a breath of fresh air, Nicki did also feel slightly hurt because she really felt like she wasn't getting her happily ever after. They had only really contacted each other when it was business related or when it was Darcie related and it didn't seem like it was going to change. A few months ago she would've told you that she had some hope for them as a couple but now, the tables had completely turned.

"Hey, what's up?" She asked only tearing her eyes away from the computer screen for a short moment.

"Hey, I'd just come to drop the paper work for the Rodger's. I've authorised it and all," He said before placing the paperwork on her desk. "That was a really good deal you got out of them,"

She chuckled. "Thanks, and yeah I guess I'm good at my job," She said with a shrug as she typed something on her keyboard.

"That you are," He gave a small smile before heading to walk out, but stopped in his tracks and turned back to face her. "Mom told me you're letting Darcie stay round hers on friday night," he stated and she just gave him a nod.

"Is there a problem?" She asked, curious as to why he'd brought it up.

"Not at all, I just thought you didn't like letting other people interfere with your time with her," he said coming off a bit ruder that Nicki would've expected.

She furrowed her brows, now diverting her attention to him. "She asked me if she could spend some time with her granddaughter, and she wanted her to spend the night, so I offered her friday night because it doesn't interfere with her getting up early for school and it means they can do something on saturday if they wanted to. Didn't realise I had to run everything I did by you,"

He sighed and rubbed his temple. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out like that,"

"Was there anything else you wanted to interrogate me on or was that it?" she asked as she cocked her head to the side. She didn't get a response from him and instead just watched as he proceeded to leave her office. She spent a moment dwelling on the situation before returning to her work, choosing not to let it bother her...

Nicki made sure save the working she was doing before closing the tabs on her computer and locking it. She stood and stretched and not long later was met by bey walking into her office. "Knocking is a polite gesture," she said and just gained and raised brow from bey.

"You should know better than to ask me to knock. I've seen it all at this point in your office," Bey threw back, allowing her to catch the shade.

Nicki rolled her eyes and just picked up the mug on her desk that she was now finished with. "Let me go and wash my mug before we leave," she said and bey groaned but followed her to the kitchen anyway allowing them to engage in conversation.

"So are you two like dating or is it one of your we're just friends situationships," Bey asked as they walked into the kitchen only to find their boss in their warming up his lunch. The awkward atmosphere was easily sense, but Nicki ignored it and pretended he wasn't even there, knowing it would wind him up regardless.

"He's a nice guy, and I guess it's just been a friendship over the past few months," she said trying to get across why she didn't want to cross that line. "If anything it would get really awkward for Darcie and Kairi if we ever became anything you know,"

"Yeah I get that, but speaking of her, how does she feel about him?" Bey asked in reference to Darcie.

"She likes him I guess," Nicki shrugged. "He's really good with kids, like as a single father and a co-parent he really hands on so he like understands her situation - our situation - really well and that makes it easy for him to get along with her." She put her cup on the drying rack and took a paper towel to dry her hands with. "But you know darcie, she's very open about things so if she didn't like him, I'd definitely know about it." Her eyes drifted over to him for a short moment after feeling him staring. The conversation they held with their eyes didn't say much to any outsider, but between them it held a lot of emotion.

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