Chapter 19

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Drake woke up to an empty right side of the bed and the sound of movement. He let his eyes adjust to the small amounts do light seeping through the windows before he sat up to find her walking around gathering her things and getting dressed.


"No Aubrey. Don't even try and talk me out of how I feel right now," she said she pulled her hair up into a ponytail.

"Nicki slow down, just wait a minute," he said softly as he got out of bed and pulled on a pair of boxers and slipped on the shirt he was wearing the previous night, leaving it undone. He walked over to her and took her arm before leading her to the en suite, standing her in front of the mirror.

"Aubrey, why are you doing this," she asked as he stood behind her and reached into the cupboard to grab them both a toothbrush. He passed her one and she gave him a confused look through the mirror.

"We're in the guest bedroom. They're unused I promise," he said before proceeding with his morning routine and allowing her to do the same. Once he was done he waited for her to finish before turning her to look at him and leaning in to kiss her.

She relaxed into the kiss for a short moment before she pulled away. "Aubrey, I need to get an Uber and go home. Last night was-,"

"Don't you dare tell me last night was a mistake," he said in a soft but stern voice. "Last night was definitely frowned upon but I don't regret one second of it, and I know you don't too,"

She sighed and looked away from him. "Aubrey I need to go home,"

"I'll take you home, but I need you to promise me that you're not gonna beat yourself up over this," he said as he tucked loose strands of her hair behind her ear.

"I can't promise you that Aubrey," she said, finally looking at him.

"I meant everything I said yesterday. You have my heart and I know there was a reason you were brought back into my life." He placed his hand on her cheek. "I know the wedding is the biggest hurdle for us right now, but my mind is made up and I'm working on it."

"How long is that gonna take Aubrey, how long am I gonna have to wait around for you whilst you continue to make a decision," she asked, tired of being his second choice.

"I'm working on it baby. I promise I am. And I know it's hard for you but I'll be yours sooner than you think." He kissed her temple and wrapped his arms around her. "Come on, let's get in the shower. I'll give you some of my clothes so you're a bit more comfortable, then I'll take you home." He swiftly got her out of the dress she was in before he disrobed himself and they got in the shower together...


Nicki sat on the couch as she Darcie watched TV. She'd told her all about the various activities she'd had with her grandmother and Nicki couldn't be happier to know that they were getting on so well.

She decided to call Bey and find out if they'd made it home safely, being that she didn't remember saying goodbye to her.

"Morning sleeping beauty," Bey said upon picking up the phone, causing Nicki to chuckle.

"Stop, I just got caught up in some things and forgot to call you," Nicki gave, trying to justify herself

"I bet you did," Bey replied in a suggestive tone and Nicki just squinted her eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well I didn't get to say goodbye to you since you were caught up in some things so I can only imagine what happened from there," she said with a shrug as she took a seat, ready to get the juicy details.

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