Chapter 13

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Walking into her house, Nicki laid Darcie on the couch as she had fallen asleep on the car ride home. She didn't even remember her trip home to be honest. She had been zoned out, thinking about she and Drake's kiss and what it meant for the future.

He all but admitted his feelings for her, though they were very clear, but she knew better. He loved Christina too. Feeling like Drake was leaving it on her to make the decision to decide their future made her anxious and upset. He was the engaged one, he was the one with the strings attached to someone else. She felt he should have that responsibility if they weren't going to make the decision together.

She thought about possibly calling him, maybe they could talk about it but what more was there to talk about? He wanted a yes or no and the fact that he left it all up to her was starting to actually piss her off.

"The audacity of him to think that I should be the responsible party in all this...this..." she couldn't even think of the proper word to describe their situation.

Talking to herself was a huge part of her process. Thinking out loud allowed her to put things in perspective.

Nicki walked about the living room, picking up Darcie's toys while she was upstairs napping. Apparently Drake had tired her out so after lunch, Darcie was too tired to keep her eyes open.

"Maybe Bey would know what to do." Nicki stood with a stuffed bear in one hand and her other on her hip while staring out into space. "No, this is ultimately up to us, I can't put it off on her like Drake put it off on me."

With a sigh, Nicki finished cleaning the living room before finally heading up to her bedroom with her iPhone clutched in her hand. She clicked her phone app and scrolled through her recent calls until she got to the number she was searching for, but not before squinting and it in annoyance. She didn't know where his sudden aggravation was coming from but she knew it was in part due to the fact that maybe she liked his kiss.

After clicking his name, she waited for him to pick up, which he did on the third ring. "This isn't fair!" Was the first thing she said. She didn't exactly rehearse what she was going to say when he picked up so it kind of just came out. "Aubrey you're the one in the relationship, you're the one that belongs to someone else, not me. It's not fair that you put all this decision making on me." She meant to be firm with him but he could hear the vulnerability in her voice. "You don't know what you want and you're leaving it up to me to tell you."

Drake didn't really say anything, he just listened to her words, "What if I do that for you and you later decide it was a mistake? That's not okay to me."

"You're right and I apologize for putting that off on you like that. I was just in the moment and it came out, I didn't mean to tell you that to make you upset and I shouldn't have kissed you."

"No, you shouldn't have because all of these things I put off, things that I've compartmentalized just came rushing back and all it took was you saying that to me, and you kissing me. How is it fair to me, you, Darcie or Christina? She loves you."

"And I love her but that's different. Loving someone and being in love with someone is two different things. I don't know what's up or down between you and her." Drake shook his head at himself. "Though I have an idea. I guess I just thought that if I told you that, you'd help me decide. But I guess I ended up making a big mess of things because I didn't take into consideration that you'd be confused too and that was selfish of me."

"It was," Nicki agreed with a sigh and he laughed. In the span of their five minute phone call, she'd thrown him under the bus countless times. "You're getting married?" She said as more of statement than a question.

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