Do not go beyond the fence.

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Rule Six:

The Bureau of Genetic Welfare (this account: @TheBureauOfGW) is not to be used for roleplaying. Ever.


As mentioned in a previous rule, your character will not doubt the sanctity of their world. They will not wander outside the fence or go outside of Chicago, and they will also not “invade” or “rebel” against The Bureau.


The only ones ever allowed to RP on the Bureau’s wall will be the official leaders.

While there will be no RPing allowed on the Bureau’s wall, this is not to say you can’t post on it if you have questions or concerns.

Below are exaggerated examples of what NOT to do:

*on @TheBureauOfGW ‘s wall*

The group of Divergent rebels stormed out of the city and then poured into the large building, titled The Bureau.

The group of soldiers ran around the Genetic Welfare building and then burst into a mysterious laboratory.

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