Chapter 15-White Flame

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Pulling Bentley inside the house once mom and Zahara levitated him on to the porch. Crying I asked if there was something, anything, that they could do. She came over to me and gave me a hug. Something inside me was wanting to break out at that very moment but I couldn't let it, not yet. My stomach grumbled but I wasn't hungry I was worried about Bentley. Letting go of my mom and wiping my face my hands I went over to the couch. Bending down beside him I lightly touched his face and a white light caressed his face. He let out a small sigh and I smiled.

A thought came to me then, (if what they were saying was true), if I was a witch then maybe just maybe there was something I could do. I have to help him. I had to see his eyes again. "This mist isn't going to take him away from me. I just found him." I whispered.

Mom, Grandma, and Zahara looked over at me then and started to whisper among themselves when Kellie came rushing in the living room. "Ava and Brantley are outside too, they have been touched by the mist. It's crushing Ava's spirit." Kellie broke down. Her tears started to leak down her cheeks to her throat.

More women came rushing in the living so it was crowded, so I climbed and sat on Bentley's legs.

"Skye and Arabelle would you be so kind and go down to the cellar and get my bag of mixed potions?" Anita, my grandmother's name told the other two mid-twenties witches.

Grabbing one of Bentley's hands I smiled but I had hope that maybe we could er, well I could save him. "Hey momma, maybe their mom can help us. If Bentley and Brantley's out shouldn't we let her know. You would want to know if something happened to me under their care." I explain.

"You're right. Do you have there number?" Mom asked.

I reached in Bentley's right coat pocket and dug out his phone. I handed it to mom and she went upstairs to make the phone call. The other witches were pacing back and forth peeking out the windows.

"Grandma, who made this mist? How are the bad witches so powerful? How can we be witches but I've never been let in on this family secret?" Expressing my dislike for how all of this has affected me.

Everyone in the room looked between us and left except my grandma. She pulled up a small foot stool and sat on it. Her silver hair was shoulder length and freckles line her face. Some wrinkles were starting to form under her eyes. She was thin and her veins could be seen through her skin. But the most striking thing about my grandma was her ice blue eyes.

Even mom had blue eyes it ran strong in the family. After Kellie came back in the living room she glancing around the room nervously but I would catch her glaring at me. Finally when things calmed down at little I got back in the floor and sat beside the couch. Mom was taking a little longer upstairs talking to the brothers mom then I expected.

"Family means much more than by blood, it runs deep like the creeks in the woods. Every creek leads to an ocean or a pond. You can't help what your born in to but you do have a chance to live, to fight every day of your existence." Grandma started her story.

"It was before a century before you mother was born and another century before my time. Back when black magick was evil and the Salem witch trials started. We were the cursed ones, the ones destined for death and often mocked and teased because we were different. The elements give us our power. Whom ever said we choose it, no my darlings, the elements choose us."

"Kellie has the gift of forseeing futures when she touches you. We don't know your gift, your mother has the gift of healing, Ava thinks she is cursed but her gift tortures her; Ava has the gift to take away your life. It's unique for us to have that kind of power."

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