4 ._. Holidayyyy (pt.1)

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Ellie's PoV

I woke up at 6:47am from a text. Like who wanted me at this time? I want to sleep for an extra 13 minutes. Oh it was my sister:

Emma: Good Morning! X

Ellie: Morning, you okay? X

Emma: I'm fine, how's year 9 exams? X

Ellie: Making me want to cry xx

Emma: Oh No!! I won't allow it x

Ellie: I've not got too many left though x

Emma: I've got an idea to help you get through the last few exams xx

Ellie: Hit me with it! Xx

Emma: WWE style? Xx

Ellie: Of course x

Emma: You gonna be free 11-25th August? Xx 

Ellie: Yeah probably, why?

Emma: Wanna come to America with me? You deserve a holiday

Ellie: Y E S Y E S Y E S Y E S Y E S Y E S

Emma: I knew you'd be happy. Dad said you can come, now go and get ready xx

Ellie: Okay, i'll talk after my exams xxx

Emma: What do you have today? x

Ellie: Maths and French speaking x

Emma: Ooh good luck, I love you x

Ellie: Thankyou, I love you too xx

That whole day I smiled. I couldn't wait to get year 9 finished, to then be able to step on a plane and have a care-free summer. I knew I would have to tell Emma stuff before we go away, but that can happen later..


My exams were finished. All I can now do, is wait, and hope I did well. I could finally start packing. My dad brought me my black suitcase from the loft, and I opened it on my bed. Emma said we were going for 2 weeks. I know I should be planning for SitC, but that's not exactly a big issue to me. 

I decided to pack:

5 crop tops // 4 tops // 2 Dresses // 3 vests // 1 jeans // 3 Denim shorts // 3 normal shorts // 3 skirts

5 crop tops // 4 tops // 2 Dresses // 3 vests // 1 jeans // 3 Denim shorts // 3 normal shorts // 3 skirts

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As well as this, I packed basic underwear, and makeup. I decided if I needed anything else, I would pack sooner to the time. I kept my basic school makeup out, because I still had 4 weeks before I leave.  


HAHAHAHAHA, I somehow haven't failed any subjects. But anyway, today was my last day of year nine. I am free for 6 weeks. I go to SitC in like a week or something, but then I go to AMERICA with Emma. My plan for SitC is to sit outside on the balcony and watch friends. Like I've seen every episode, but I'd watch it all again. Or Rick and Morty.... Who knows? I told Emma about my exam results, she was happy. 

Sisterly Love - Emma BlackeryWhere stories live. Discover now