16 ._. I'm not like her

39 2 2

Ellie's PoV

"I'm sick of people saying I look and act like her. I'm nothing like her!" I cried

"I know what you mean." Hedy sighed, hugging me

"Like she does music. I do...."

"Me?" Hedy laughed

"And languages. Like I want to go to university."

"Well, you should go to university and do languages. You passed French and Spanish." Hedy smiled, looking up at me from being laid on my shoulder. I hugged her and kissed her head. We've been dating for like 4 years and she's the best thing that ever happened to me.

"I mean, I could, I have French and Spanish A-Levels. But university would mean that we barely see each other" I sighed

"But you'd be happy doing something you love, but it's your decision"

A/N I've risen from the dead. Like the last time I went on Wattpad to write was in October and its now February. TBH I reset my phone in like November and I have no storage again.... because I went to a concert (Little Mix for the 3rd time) But i'll write if i have any time. I've had no motivation at all but i'll try.

Good luck until next time. x

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2018 ⏰

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