6 ._. Holidayyyy (pt.3)

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Emma's PoV.

I set up my camera to film the video with my sister. I'm so proud of her. Coming out must not have been easy, but she did it. My little Ellie was growing up...

"So I wanted to do an LGBT Q&A, but I conveniently don't have anyone part of that to Q. Oh wait, its my sister." I introduced

"Guess who's back in the house, heels click-clacking about?" She said, making me laugh.

"And why are you back?"

"You just asked me if I wanted to film a video with you?"

"Yes I know. But don't you have something to say?" I asked

"Oh. I'm Bi, get over it."

"I cried when she told me"

"Did you?" She asked me

"Only because you cried" I replied

"Aww. Now Q me and I'll A you." She said

"Well, Twitter has been summoned. I asked the people to give me questions for a special guest of the LGBTQ+ Community. Question 1, Who did you first come out to?"

"Family - Emma. Friends - Luke."


"I have a valid reason" I nodded for her to continue "Basically I was snapchatting my best friend, and Luke was messaging me to ask if I was going to SitC. It came in at that awkward moment when you double tap the name and it turns out it wasI was replying to, not my best mate, and I awkwardly sent him a snap of me, to describe it, I was on the toilet, crying with the caption 'I'm Bi? Bitch got a problem?' Luke's reply. 'Congrats. Enjoy your wee. I have no issue. Why would I have an issue?' Then I sent him a video of me repeatedly saying fuck, thats not meant for you. Lets say, awkward"

"Of course you were pissing. So did your friend find out first?"

"No. I sent my coming out thing to Luke and accidentally forgot about her until later on in the day when she rang me asking what I was going to tell her"

"Of course you did. Anyway, question 2. Who has been the hardest person to come out to, who was the easiest?"

"Emma Louise f*cking Blackery was the hardest person to come out to, and Luke was the easiest. Seeing as it was accidental."

"Awh. Question 3, who was your first celebrity crush of the same gender?"


"I have no clue what any of that meant. But question 3, when did you start to question your sexuality?"

"I think around Christmas time, I was like IDK if this is how I should feel, but DAMN Little Mix are cute."

"Oh. So they helped you come out?"

"I guess. Secret Love Song pt.2 is great for that"

"We shall play that all night then. Now, question 4 - What would you change about the education system for LGBT people? "

"In terms of knowing about LGBT things, I'd make sure children know what it means, what is classed as homophobic slurs, being safe in same sex relationships. Stuff that the British education system can't be bothered teaching us. Like something like 21% of teens are part of the LGBTQ+ community, it works out like 1 in every class or something I think - don't hold me to that, but surely as children, we should know about what our friends are, how we should treat them. Not once has my school taught me about sexuality and stuff and I think you can tell, it's angered me a hell of a lot."

"I can tell. Final question though, I don't know why I chose this because you're gonna rage, but are you born gay/lesbian/bi?"

"I mean, scientists are doubting it. For me, its growing up that's made me realise my attraction to boys and girls. I doubt when I was 3 years old at nursery I felt this way, so I'd say no. But a trans person may argue they were. I was talking to a guy the other day and he said he was a man born in a woman's body. SO RESPECT PRONOUNS BECAUSE YOU DON'T CALL SOMEONE A GIRL BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT THEY WERE AT BIRTH. ALWAYS ASK IF YOU DON'T KNOW! Rant over."

"Aww I'm so proud of this little princess. And I don't tell you that enough. This bitch, is my little sister, and she is bisexual. Respect her. I love you Ell" I said as I hugged my sister

"I love you too Emm"

"If you've enjoyed this video, Like and comment. Subscribe if you're not. Byee"

"Good-Bi.......... Sexual"

"For fuck sake Ellie. That was worse then Evan's jokes!"

"Oops." She said as I turned the camera off. I hugged her again as we posed for the thumbnail.

Once we decided on a photo, we took some selfies, then we fell asleep. I decided to edit the video in the morning, to try and get it up for tomorrow. It'd go up the day before Summer In The City.

Sisterly Love - Emma BlackeryWhere stories live. Discover now