Chapter 2-Hateful words

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         "The words they say, make bruises that don't fade away." By unknown
                         Chapter 2-Hateful words


                            I ran to the girls room, well more like limp almost bumping into everyone. Once in the room, I checked under ever sell to see if anyone was here with me. Seeing no one, I quickly closed the door and lock it.

                                 Staring into my image, all I saw was a girl who have dull green eyes, brown hair, and very bad dark under eyes that makes it look like I haven't slept for years.

                             I carefully pull my top up to see what the damage are and saw blue bruises all over my body but I know the darker one on my ribs are from JJ and her friends while the other are from my so called father.

                     Lightly touching my ribs to saw how bad it was, only to have to bite my lip to hold back my cry of pain. Ok, it was bad.

                            Unlocking the door, only to see the hallway empty. Confused, I quickly checked the time on my phone. It was 2:51. Wow, I guess I was in the restroom much longer than I thought.

                           Quickly running home, hoping and praying that my father wasn't there or at least pass out . I felt my heart frozen when I saw his car in the driveway. Quietly opening the door than silently shutting it and quickly look around to see if he was anywhere.

                                   Releasing a sign of relieve, when i saw him nowhere in sight. Trying carefully to not step on any bottles which was really hard to do because it was practically covering the whole floor.

                                        Right when I take one step in my room, a yell down the hall called for me. Taking a few deep breaths, I quickly walk to him. The next thing I know, I was on the floor with a throbbing pain on my cheek.
                        Still holding my aching cheek, I look up to see his angry expression. He take a step to me. I quickly crawl backwards. This continue intil I was at the wall and he was just a feet from me.

                               "Where the hell were you after school?" He shouts angrily. Flinching away from his bad alcohol breath. I pale realizing he's drunk. I hate when he's drunk, he gets more violent and abusive than usual.

                             "I-I miss the bus." I lied while trying to hold back the tears. Slowly standing up, using the wall to hold my weight. I tried to move closer to the wall to get more space between us. The next thing I kknow, there is a bottle throw almost hitting me on the head.

                             "Bullshit, what were you doing? We're you fucking whoring around? I won't be surprised if you were, I always thought you were a hole." He bellow in anger while throwing more bottles at me. One hitting me on the legs and other hitting me on the stomach.

                                    "Get the he'll out of my sight." He shout in my face. I quickly run to my room almost tripping on my step. Once in the room, I quickly lock it and lean against the door, trying to catch my breath. That when the stupid tears decided to make itself known.

                                   Roughly rubbing my eyes, I walk to the bathroom to take a quick shower. After showering and dressing, I once again found myself staring at my image once again. Than those damn voices come back screaming those hateful words at me.

                 "No one will ever love you!"


                 "Nobody want you here!"

    "Why don't you end it already, no one will miss you!"

                               The next time i know, I have a blaze drawing on my wrist, blood dropping everywhere. I look up at the mirror to see a weak fragile girl with endless sadness in her eyes.

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