chapter 8-Blushing mess

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   " When you smile I get butterflies in my stomach. When you hug me I fell weak. When You Hold My Hand I'm Blushing" By unknown


                                        A week later

                        It been a week since I met Ashton. Every since than Ashton has been nothing but nice to me and has been taking me home from school even when I say not to but all he said and i quote "A cute girl like you shouldn't be walking home alone, who knows what would happen to a cutie like you".with a serious face.

I felt my cheek warm just by thinking about that.

Now I'm not going to lie i may have a little crash....OK a big crash on him and to be honest I'm scared. I always thought it was dumb how girls say they like a guy when they didn't even know each another. But here i am crashing on a boy i barely know.

"Clarissa"A voice said making me jump and put a hand on my racing heart. I look up and saw Ashton standing in front of me with a small smile on his face and a unreadable look on his eye.

"Sorry i don't mean to frighten you"He said while rubbing the back of his neck.

"No I'm sorry i wasn't paying attention"I said embarrassed from being caught zooming out.

"Well, are you ready to go to school"He said whole holding the car door open for me."Ye-s"I managed to choke out, blushing badly. He closed the door after i got in and jog to the driver side and slide in than started the car and drive out of my driveway.

On the way to school the most shocking thing happened.


I never blush so much in my live. Now i know what your thinking, What so shocking about that?

Well we're talking about me here, the girl who never talk to a boy not even stand next to one. I look forward, trying to ignore my pounding heart which is pretty hard because i can probably hear my heartbeat in my ears.

"Angel?"He said softly. I look to the diver side but only to found it empty and my hand feeling cold. I blink confused than blinked 1 2 3 times again. Where did he go?

"Angel."He said chuckling softly. I look to my right and looked up to see Aston standing next to me holding out his hand while holding the door opening for me. I blush in embarrassed for not paying attention to my surrounded yet again.

"Come on angel, before we're late"He said looking at me with a smile on his handsome face. I-I-I mean on his-s faces. Ya that what i mean ha ha. I swear I probably look like a tomato by how much I'm blushing.

i grab his hand and felt the shocks yet again. It so weird, i always felt that shocks ever time we touch. Once i got out of the car, i quickly let go of his hand and start walking to the school's door.

I frozen when I felt a arm wrapped around my waist and pull me to their side but relax a little bit when I felt the shocks. I could feel the school eyes on us, probably wondering why is he with a loner, a nobody and ugly girl like me?

Well I have no idea. Why would a nice, kind, caring, and hands-. I-I mean h-hilarious guy ya that what mean, it not like I was going to say handsome ha-ha.

"What got you blushing so hard, Angel?" He whisper in my ear letting his hot breath to hit the side of my face and neck causing me to shiver.

Why am I always I blushing mess around him?

"Because you like him" my Conscious said to me.

If possible i blush even harder.

Forgot about me looking like a tomato, I probably look like a freaking fire truck.

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