Chapter 6-the unloved home

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     "The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved." By unknown

Song: Wake me up by Ed Sheeran

                        Chapter 6-the unloved home


                                We just stand there,looking deep in each other eyes. It was like it was only us two in the world. After all those years looking for her,I still can't believe she here,right in front of me looking like an angel.

                     Clarissa looked down embarrassed turning her cheek to a cute rosely red."Wha-t are you doing here?"She stuttered nervously. I grin when I saw that I have that effect on her.

                             "I was looking for you everywhere for you but couldn't find you so I thought you were somewhere around here"I tell her. She just give me a surprise look like she can't believed I was looking for her. I give her confused look but she just give me a weak smile.

"So what are you doing here alone,you know it dangerous out here?"I said worry,looking at her to see if she is hurt. Just thinking about someone hurting her had me and my inner beast wanting to rip who ever lay a hand on her. Trying to push down the growl so I don't scared her. The bell ring saying it after school.

                            "Come on"I said grabbing her hand to help her up and not letting it go. Her cheek turn red when she see I wasn't going to let go."what-t ar-e you doing?"She asked I looked down at her and said"I going to walk you to your car"

"But I don't have a car"She said I quickly dragged her to the parking lot and to my motorcycle." what ar-e you doing?"She asked whole dragging her feet."I'm taking you home"I said simply and there was no way I was letting her walk home alone.

      [Who know what will happen to her if she walk alone]I thought protectively" wait, I don't even know you tho"she said whole trying to stop me."You know my name right?"I asked

"Huh,yes?"She asked with a cute confused face."Than you do know me"I said and grab her waist and felt a tiny shock. Clarissa eyes widening cutely and I hide a smirk because it means the bond is growing. I pick her up and made a confusion face because she was way too light for my likening and put a helmet on her and put her on the back seat and get in fast before she make a run for it.

                       "hold on"I said and started my bike to life and Clarissa hold on to me fast. I felt warmed flow my body and a little shock.

On a red stop,she tell where she lives and I had to stop myself from jumping in joy because I just live a few blocks away. I park in front of her house and what I see I didn't like one bit.

                  The house was small and a lot of stuff was laying everywhere and it was like one of the house in a horror movie that give you a bad feeling and it looks unloved and well not something you call home.

                       "well,thanks for the ride"she said shyly whole looking down which I hate because I can't see her beautiful eyes. I pick up her chin so I can her eyes. I found myself starting at her lips,oh how badly I wanted to kiss her but I know it was to soon so I just kiss her cheek and whisper in her ear.

                                       "you better be really in the morning because i'm picking you up for now on"I kiss her other cheek and got in my bike and drive home,leaving her shock cute faces.

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