Chapter 20

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Anti's POV 

Lucius picked me up from the airport in Brighton. Darzia, Marzia, and Felix were with him. Jack and Signe just so happened to be visiting Mark in L.A. Everyone gave me hugs, happy that I was finally there. My legs stretched happily as I walked through the airport to Lucius's car. I did just sit on a 10-hour flight. Felix was talking about some random stuff to Lucius as they walked towards the car. The two girls stood at my sides grinning. 

"So hows Phoebe?" Marzia asked. 

"Phoebe has gotten even cuter than when you guys last saw her. Also, she just started Kindergarten. The dang child had so much excitement she was trying to drag me out the door!" I rambled. 

Darzia smiled as I talked, "Do you know that your eyes light up whenever you talk about Phoebe or Dark?" 

"No, I did not." 

"Well, they do. I can tell that Dark makes you happy," Marzia commented. 

"He does, he really does. I don't know what I would do without him," I smiled happily to myself. 

"Well, Lucius plans on taking you everywhere in Brighton so get ready," Darzia quickly said as we approached the car. 

It can't be that bad. 


By the time I hit the bed I was already out. Lucius took me skydiving, and we went to a bunch of little shops. The shopping wasn't so bad. It was me plummeting from the sky that was bad. I'm pretty sure that the whole city heard my screams. Lucius definitely heard my complaints when I was finally touching the ground. Everyone else went and had a great, wonderful time. I didn't. Well, I liked it for like two minutes when we were hovering over the ground. Should I also say that there was an old man hooked onto my back? It was weird. 

Dark called me earlier freaking out because Phoebe already has a friend. Her friend just so happens to be a boy. 

"Just because her friends a boy doesn't mean she likes him already. She's six for crying out loud!" I told him earlier. 

"Still, Phoebe's growing up so fast and I miss when she didn't know about boys her age." 

"Dark, everything is going to be fine." 

"Alright, I guess," We talked more after that but our conversation was cut off by Phoebe wanting dinner. 

Now I laid inLucius's spare bedroom slowly falling asleep. 

I can't wait for tomorrow. 

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