*Katemau* *Camera* *Fairy* *Contest Entry*

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Katelyn ran. She ran as fast as she fucking could.
Because there was no way in hell she was going to be devoured by a fucking werewolf.
Dodging through trees, she held onto her camera as the day's events flashed through her head.


She had woken up to see 15 texts from her ex, made herself a cup of bitter coffee, and headed down to her favorite bakery. She had a whole day of photography planned.
"Hey Katelyn!" Her best friend, and owner of the bakery, came sauntering over. Tan skin blended into dyed pink hair. Amber eyes gleamed as she slid into the other chair.

"Hey KC. How's business so far this week?"

"The usual. Already had to kick out the soccer mom of the apocalypse twice. I love her threats." She took on a much deeper voice. "'If you don't listen to your customers, who are always right, you're going to lose business!'"
I rolled my eyes and bit into my pastry, warm chocolate spilling across my tongue.

KC patted my arm. "Have fun in the woods all day and night. Don't get murdered by an axe-wielding psycho."

"No promises."
She grinned, catlike, as she strolled away to talk to the next customer.


I was jolted back to the present as my foot became stuck in a tangle of roots. I fell.
The tangle of roots broke easily as I thrashed my leg. I was up and running again, just narrowly missing the claws of the hell-beast behind me.
What the fuck? Werewolves aren't supposed to exist. Pop culture has gone way too far!

I ducked under a branch and squeezed through two trunks, finding myself in a little hollow. I backed up, almost stepping on the mushrooms around me. The forest was silent. No black and blue werewolf chasing me. I came to my knees, hugging myself. My camera, thankfully was safe.
I quickly turned it on, wanting to see what I had captured inside the little digital screen.

The last photo I took was of the werewolf. Vaguely human features were a blur, as the thing had been moving towards me as I took a picture. Blue ears and black fur made it look more like a furry than anything else, but it's mouth was open, revealing teeth.

Sharp teeth.

Teeth dropping with blood.

I turned off the camera, shaking and starting to hyperventilate. Holy fuck the supernatural are real. Was it just werewolves? Were there vampires? Ghosts? Witchs?

My thoughts were interrupted by a rustle. I automatically froze.
And let out a gasp as the werewolf entered the clearing.

It walked on two feet, elongated toes looking very dog-like. A tail swayed, slowly and taunting. Shredded clothing hung off of it, a white vest and blue jeans. It grinned. I could see the blood on it's teeth.
Fuck. I was going to die.

It pounced and I shut my eyes as a reflex.
Only nothing happened.
Opening my eyelids just a smidge, I saw it. A gash had appeared on its forehead, and if an animal could look mad, this thing looked pissed. It paced just outside the mushrooms, growling softly. It pounced again. And again.

Each time, something knocked it back.
I sat there in shock, leaning on one hand.
The thing finally let out a roar, clawing the shit out of whatever the magical barrier was, to no avail. Nothing happened.
It whipped its head around. It was covered in scrapes and scratches, grey eyes going wild and pupils dilating.
It let out a pitiful whine and dropped down, eyes closing, and almost automatically, a man was in its place.

He was pale, with black hair and a few blue streaks. A pale scar ran across his neck, and the same wounds that had been on the wolf were on him.
I just noticed he's naked.
I covered my eyes.

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