7 parts in and already an emotional rant

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I just want to scream and throw things and be able to be emotional for once because godammit I don't want to be alive

because I can't get a single chapter of anything out without hating it I want to delete it before it's up

because I have zero musical ability and can't sing for shit

because I literally trace half of my drawings with things from the Internet before I can finish them

because hey, guess who ruined her ninth pair of headphones this year?

because the only thing I can contribute to anyone is stupid as fuck puns

because I struggle every single godamm day to be noticed for something other than a thing I did wrong

because I don't understand the easiest shit

because I can't stop fucking crying even though I desperately need to

because I'm such an attention whore I feel the need to post this stupid shit

I'm sorry. I just needed to rant.

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