×Uther's promise× ~ Merlin (part 1)

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Season: three
Episode: nine, love in the time of dragons

This story was requested by: dracoXreaders !! I hope you like it ^^ this is part 1 ❤

Feel free to leave a request any time!

enjoy xx


You never looked back. It had been such a long time. Living in fear. Fear of that one man that changed your life completely. Uther Pendragon.

You fled out off Camelot to Ealdor six years ago. Uther found out you had magic, after you cured your sick mother by using your magic. He chased you for weeks. You left your family behind and finally escaped. It had been six years. It was time to return. Time to see your family again.

You walked towards the gates of Camelot, while pulling your cap over your eyes. The moonlight fell on your cap, creating a shadow to fall over your face. Nothing had changed. The same old gate, the same old houses laying behind it and the same silents at night.

A smile appeared on your face. You slowly walked through the gates and continued walking passed the small streets of Camelot. It was dark, cold and nobody was walking down the streets. It was passed midnight. The perfect time for you to pay your family a quick visit and get away before dawn.

You constantly looked over your shoulders. You felt nervous. Uther had his guards walking around the lower town and the castle every night, to made sure everything was save. You needed to be careful.

You picked up the speed and quickly ran passed the houses. You turned to your right and suddenly stopped. There was light coming from one of the houses. Your breath got stuck in your throat. You carefully walked passed the house, hoping nobody would notice you. Your heart was beating fast and you were shaking. You heart voices coming from inside the house. You didn't stop to listen. You just kept going.

As soon as you got passed the house, you ran down the street and stopped to see which road you needed to take. You examined every street, but you just couldn't remember which one to take.

Suddenly, you heard footsteps appearing behind you. Light footsteps. The person didn't want you to notice them. You immediately froze in fear. Your breathing became heavier and you didn't dare to turn around. You slowly brought your hand towards the dagger that you put in your bag. It was a present from someone you knew. A friend who had the same powers as you had. You met him in Ealdor. He moved to Camelot longer than a year ago. You wrote each other the first weeks, but now you never did. It was such a shame. Merlin was such a great guy and a good friend. You felt strong feelings towards him

You pulled the dagger out of your bag and swung around. Nobody was there. You held the dagger on front of you and let your eyes wander passed all the objects you saw.

'Who is there?' You asked. You tried to sound confident, but you knew your voice was shaking. Slowly, you took a few steps backwards. You heard someone's heavy breathing coming from the dark street.

'I know you're there!' You shouted. A head popped up behind a carriage. You didn't recognise the person. A shadow fell over the person's head. The person slowly stood up. You still couldn't see who this person was. You raised your dagger even higher.

'Stay where you are,' you spoke. You took a few steps backwards and turned around. Without thinking about it, you started running and took a quick turn to the left. You ran and ran. With every step you moved your legs even faster. You could hear the footsteps of the person behind you. He was so close to you. Panic flushed through your vains. You took a sudden turn to right and immediately went to the left again. The person still ran behind you. You couldn't lose him.

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