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it's the next morning and i got up i didn't wanna wake up mikey i just walked out to the kitchen when bryce came from behind and took his hands on my waist and whispered in my ear

-i found a girl i like so you don't have to choose between me and mikey-he wispered i turned around

-i'm so happy for you-i said and hugged him

-her name is stephanie-he said

-what a sweet name when am i gonna meet her-i said and turned around again

-umh in about a week-he said and walked to mikeys room

-stop-i said


-you are gonna wake him up right-

-yeah why-

-i wanna do it just for pay back-

-okay-he said i ran over to him and then i jumped on mikey

-okay god get off me-he said and took his arms around me and turned us around so he was on top

-you just gave me boner julie c'mon- he said and

turned around to lay beside me but i just got on top of him again bryce was standing there laughing

-it's okay mikey you don't have to be ashamed-i said laughing and got off him

-whats the clock-

-7.29am why-bryce said

-okay i'm getting up-he said and got up bryce left the room i needed to stay in there coz i needed some clothes to wear i always had it in mikeys room coz he has more space when he came up from behind and removed my hair from my neck he begins to kiss it i turn around and kiss him and we make us thee way over to the bed he took off my t-shirt and i took off his boxer and i took off my panties

bryce pov

it's been about 5 minutes and they are still not out of that room

-ooo mmy gosh mikey- i hear julie scream

-well someone is having some morning sex thats clear-i said to myself i just took my phone and texted stephanie

*hey sweety how are you*

*good how are you babe*

*good hey when was it you where coming to visit*

*it's in 3 days babe did you forget*

*no no of cause not babe i would never forget i just needed to be sure that it was the right day*

*oh okay well i will land at 8pm about there and u better be there when i land!*

*okay i will talk to you later babe*

*yeah sure talk to you later love you*

*love you*

i placed my phone and the table when i hear

-ff-ffaster mikey-

i just walked over to the sofa and layed with my phone after 40 minutes they where done they came out fully dressed but julie had 2 hickey and mikey had 3 they just acted like nothing happened

-had fun-i said to them

-umh yeahsure when was it stephanie came- julie said

-in tree days-i said and laughed then the doorbell rang

-i'm getting it-mikey said we hear the door go up and in storming is coming mathias

-babe it's time-he said to julie

-what the hell bro-i said to him

-stay out of this kid-he said mikey was mad

-get away from her bro-mikey said and pushed him

-stop all of you- julie yelled

julie pov

they all looked at me

-why the fuck do the most of the people i ever have known say that have to do what they want i just fucking want to get my life over i want you mathias to get over me i left because the murder of my family said i needed to leave i find a boy that help me you ruin my life more then 10 time on not even a year why the fuck can't i have my own decisions I'M FUCKING 18 I CAN MAKE MY OWN DECISIONS- i yelled

-sorry babe-mathias said

-DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE TO CALL ME BABE OR EVEN CONTACT ME EVER AGAIN OR I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU EVEN IF I HAVE TO GO TO JAIL FOR IT- i ran out took my phone and took on shoes and ran off to adym i ran up to his apartment and knocked on the door and adym opened when he opened the door i walked in and hugged him and broke down in tears

-DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE TO CALL ME BABE OR EVEN CONTACT ME EVER AGAIN OR I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU EVEN IF I HAVE TO GO TO JAIL FOR IT- i ran out took my phone and took on shoes and ran off to adym i ran up to his apartment and knocked on the doo...

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-hey whats wrong julie-he asked me hugging me back

-i don't wnna be here anymore-i said cryig

-hey what happened-he said and made me sit on the couch

-me and mikey just woke up and we went out and in comes mathias saying it's time for me to go with him and stuff bryce and mikey try to help me but it end out with them starting beef about each other and me stopping it i yell at him and i ran away i didn't want to staay ethan is mad at me to-i said crying

-hey why is ethan mad at you-he said i just showed him my wrist

-julie-he said shocked

my phone began to ring i took it

-hallo-i said

-where are you julie-grayson said


-say it you havent been home since yesterday-

-that is not my home grayson i have my own house-

-just say where you are-

-nope bye-i said and hang up

i just hugged adym for what seems to be forever when we suddnly hear a girls maon

-julie did you just maon-adym asked me

-no-i said and sat up

-julie umh not to be rude but i think you should leave-he said

-yeah yeah sure thanks i guess-i said and left

i went down to the beach and sat there after a couple minutes i went back home to my own place i just walked to my bed and went to sleep

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