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mikeys pov

it's been a year and me and grayson is still looking for her the last person she was with was adym from a year ago nobody have seen her since i miss her bryce and stephanie is together almost all the time some days she's to busy to come over and that has been the past tree days me and bryce have filmed some vids but i can't stop thinking about julie what if she's still alive and she's out there having a more horrible life

julies pov

i wake up on the ground i have blood all over me all i remeber is cameron taking me to this place then mathias is in here try to take my clothes off my body but i was still a little strong so he couldn't the next things i know is him ponishing me hitting me and get a little dozis of water and food i think i've been here for a couple days i don't think there could have been going longer time but i dont know my stomack is pretty big so maybe he fed me something that made me fat or something because i havent been moving so i would gain the fat on my stomack cause he havent been taking off my clothes then i would remeber that he did after a little while mathias came in with some guy

-huh.. i don't love you anymore julie so it's time to die-he said and the other guy pulled up a gun

-should i just shoot her-he asked

-yeah she shouldn't go around and tell people that i had her here-

-i get it just turn around- the guy said and he turned around he begin to loud the gun when he shooted i got to the side standed up took the gun from him and pointed it at them

-give me one reason to not shoot both of you guys-i said

-there isn't any good reasons-mathias said with a smirk on his face i just ran off with the gun with me i ran out to see i wasnt a place i knew i just walked and ended at adyms apartment now i knew where i was i walked down to mikey and bryce i knocked on the door

-julie-bryce said standing there i boxers 

-hey bryce can i come in-i hugge him and said

-yeah of cause dont ask why i only have boxers on mikey has it too -he said and letted me in the living room

-julie-mikey ran over to me and hugged me and lifted me up

-hey mikey-i said hugging him back

-where have u been and why do u have such a big stomack-bryce asked coming over and hugged me i was in the middle of them they hugged me both of them

-some guy i knew kidnapped me and gave me to mathias but then i ran away my stomack has no explanation-i dropped a tear or two

-what do u remember-mikey asked and looked serius

-chill i was only gone for a few days-i said walked to mikeys room for some clothes to change

-julie you clearly don't remeber much then-bryce said

-why- i asked picking out a outfit

-umh you have been gone for a year-mikey said

-WHAT-i yelled and dropped everything

-a whole friking year i think i'm gonna...-everything went black...

sorry for the short chapter i just want to give u guys some so i dont get behind hope you guys understand

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