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I wake up to be in a car I remember that I have my phone in my pocket I take it up to see what the clock did is it's almost 10am I have a lot of messages and calls I look at the first one it's from Jackson
*julie Mathias took you we have Alissa she's still sleeping but he wants you for himself now but you are going to Seattle he wants to see if we do something about it*
*just got to myself thank u for letting me know *
*your welcome*
I lay there wondering where I am so I sent my location to Jackson
*i'm almost at the tour thing place*
*how can it take that long for him we have been here for a few hours*
*maybe he stopped for some food to eat*
*when we stand still I will text you again*
10 minutes later
*we are standing still but we are at a hotel*
*okay sent me your location we will come get you*
*wait he's coming text you when I can*
I lay my phone in my pocket and lay as the same kind of way as before
-well babe I wish I didn't have to do this but I love you and that's what you have to respect-
He pick me up and Carey's me to a room make me go under the cover and walk out the door I sent Jackson my location and he was in his way I walk out the door to see Mathias standing with his phone to his ear so I run away I quickly get in the elevator and down to the parking lot but Mathias is running really fast so he was already down at the parking lot and in his car and I see Jackson coming from the right so I run to him but Mathias did see him but I look back to see him coming with a high speed I thought Jackson ser it but he didn't and when I realized that it was too late Mathias drove him over Jackson was hurt I could tell and Mathias came out of the car
-just I don't want you to leave me-
-WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU- I say while hitting him in the chest
-julie I love you and I want you back-
-calm down baby I was just protecting you-
-THE ONLY THING I NEED PROTECTION FOR IS FROM YOU-I yell while crying hard in this moment I had only one of Mikey's shirt on and I didn't care
-babe I'm sorry-
-I wish I never met you don't you understand that you have destroyed my life-
-I understand julie I really do but I love you and I've changed-
-babe if you come with me then nobody will ever touch you-
-GET AWAY FROM ME-I keep crying then I hear a gun shot and I get down so I don't get hurt and go straight into Mathias stomach and he runs to his car and drives off I look behind me and I see no one nobody is there but run over to Jackson who's laying there I just sit and cry and I take up my phone call Mikey but he doesn't answer and bryce doesn't ether so I don't call the twins coz they probably doesn't ether I sit there thinking what should I do then I think "jacksons phone"
I take out jacksons phone and see that Tyler and Justin called I call tyler first he doesn't pick up but Justin did
-Jackson where are you-
-Justin you need to help-
-wait julie-
-yes I was in the back of my exes car and Jackson came but my ex drove him over and I'm scared that he is really hurt just please help-
-I will just first call 911-
-I will-
-good I will tell the others too and good to hear from you-
-just hurry please some one shot my ex and I don't know who it was-
-we will julie-
-thank you-
We hang up and I call 911
-911 what's your emergency-
-my friend just got hit by a car-
-can you say your location then we will send out an ambulance for you-
-my location is *********-
-they are on their way-
-thank you so much-
I'm just sitting there looking at the ground thinking why should this happen why can't I just have Mathias out of my life why does he have to ruin my life after a few minutes Justin comes out from a bush behind me from the same place where the gun shot from
-julie- he said and ran to me

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