>Chapter One<

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~Chapter One - Three Guards~

Shadow's POV

Xander, Gabe and I were just running the forest as we normally do, in hope of escaping the Rosewood guards following. My werewolf ears perk up, as do theirs. Someone's near... We look at each other and nod, the two boys run, and I climb a tree, masking my scent with magicks, just in case they were werewolves. Just like the last time... Hopefully, I don't get caught, they're smart. I, however, am smarter. I've been on the run from them for so long with Xander and Gabe ever since they chose to come with me.

"I could've sworn I heard someone nearby!" someone shouts, sounding frustrated and cutting me loose of my thoughts. "Chill out, Trav. We just have to be-" Their words get cut off by me falling off the branch I was laying atop of.

I screamed and ran with them shouting after me, "HEY! STOP!!" My midnight blue cloak covered my head while my dark blue and black fox mask covered my face, one hole cut out for my right eye. I eventually trip on a branch, caused from me not paying attention to where I was running.

"I think we got it!" One shouts. The words anger me. "Oh, so I'm an IT now?!" Three guards surround me and I stand up, my back hitting the tree behind me. "In all honesty, we couldn't tell. We only heard you scream, and to add on top of that, you are wearing a cloak and mask. Anyway, come on, girly." My neck twitches at the name 'Girly'.

I wear an aggravated expression they can't see, "You will NEVER, I mean NEVER call me 'GIRLY' again. I can probably take you three down in an instant." I snap, a smirk tracing my lips. "Oh, is that a challenge?" The man wearing a helmet with a feather on top questions. "Oh yeah, it is, Helmet-head," I retort with a light chuckle. I can almost feel his angry expression. He growls loudly and charges at me with his sapphire sword. All I do is stay in place with my arms crossed, another smirk falling into place.

As soon as he is about to land the blow, I jump swiftly onto one of the plenty of branches above me. "Up here, loser," I laugh.

Next thing I know I just see black...






I wake up on something... soft? "Okay, I know this is NOT the grass or a tree," I say aloud to no one in particular. "You dang right it's not." I hear a voice say. I look to my left and see Xander, looking up into the ceiling with a burning rage in his eyes. I look to my right, a still sleeping Gabriel lays on his back. I grunt, irritated with myself for letting us get caught.

"Where in the name of the divine are we?" I question my awoken colleague. Xander grunts an 'I don't know', just as unsure as I am. Panicking, I put a hand to my face only to calm down again.

My mask is still on.

Thank the divine.

The door on the far end of the room opens and in walks an elf with gray-blonde hair and a light brown and light green dress. "A healer..." I whisper to myself, sensing the magicks in her blood. "Right, right!" The elf sings, hearing me when I thought she didn't.

"Ugh... what happened?" Gabe grunts, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "Well... be ready for a long story..." The elf starts to explain.

~Flash Back~

???'s POV

"Well, I got her," Aaren calls from the tree. The quiet man picks her up and jumps down. I hear Scott growl lowly. "Maybe she's just faking?" Aaren shrugs. "I mean, I hit her pretty hard, so she's out like a light," His fox tail flicking with annoyance, not wanting to start anything he would regret later.

Shadow Wagner The Slayer - Do I Belong? (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now