Date Night

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When Isabella woke up both Dax and Dylan were gone. She walked around the house looking for them, but it was empty. When she walked into the dinning room there was a plate of food sitting on the table and a note.


I prepared breakfast for you. You were sleeping so peacefully and I didn't want to wake you. I'm taking Dylan to the arcade, then we are going to an airplane grave for the day. I will be back at 5:30 for our date. I'll see you then.


Isabella smiled at the note, then sat down. Her food was warm so she assumed they had just recently left before she got up.

Mhm. What am I suppose to do until then? Isabella thought to herself. When she finished her breakfast she went into the living room to sit down. She grabbed Dax's blanket that was still on the love seat since the night he slept in there. She wrapped herself in the blanket and began to watch television.

After an hour of watching television she decided she'd go get her diary. Isabella sat back down, then she heard the phone ring. She raced to answer it.

"Hello." she spoke into the phone.

"Bell! Dylan wanted to talk to you. I think he misses you." Dax chuckled.

''Izzy! Why didn't you come?" Dylan asked.

"Um, I was so tired I'm sorry.'' Isabella apologized.

"I want you to come next time." Dylan said.

"I promise I will." Isabella said. "Hey maybe tomorrow we can get some ice cream."


"Okay sweetie can I talk to your daddy?"

After that Isabella didn't hear anything.

"Hello, Bella?"

"Yeah I'm here."

"I'm sorry Dylan dropped the phone." Dax laughed.

"Oh, well how is everything going?" Isabella asked.

"It's good he's playing some dance game at the arcade."

"Well you two have fun. I'll see you when you get here."

"Alright. Goodbye."

When they ended their conversation Isabella smiled at the phone. Dylan really did miss her. She sat back down and began to write in her diary.

Dear Diary,

Dax and Dylan are out and about. It's really quiet here. I love all the natural light that shines through the house. I have a date with Dax tonight, I'm looking forward to it. I actually just got off the phone with him and Dylan. Dylan misses me! I can't believe it. He really is a sweet boy, he reminds me so much of my nephew. I'm glad he likes me. I assume that after our date Dax won't be at home as much as he'd like. But hopefully after he sorts some things out with the construction of the new firm he can relax a little. I hope all goes well.


Isabella finished writing in her diary, she then went to put it back under her pillow. She was heading back down the stairs when she peaked inside Dax's office. She decided to play some games on his computer. She opened the list of games and chose Spider Solitaire.

She played it for a few minutes when she noticed her name on a piece of paper. She looked at it and noticed it was a to do list, the list read:

1. Buy tickets to the airplane grave

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