#5. Red Room Girls. Coffee With Uncle Sam.

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(Although I don't speak Russian, I tried something here...hope you won't absolutely hate it!)
*Боритесь со мной! - Fight me!
переста́ньте! - Stop it!
слабая девочка - Weak girl.

Enjoy! //

You woke up early, the sun was barely visible and started to sneak through the curtains of your room. The night before you had changed into something more comfortable that Maria offered you. You had thanked her and put the baggy pants and shirt on, looking away when Maria noticed the scars on your hands; which were still a mystery to you.

You rolled on the bed and turned to the ceiling, the night had been long as you helped the avengers check for more places where Ultron had been, this meant that you only got a couple hours of sleep.

The room was small, but you had a little living room, a bathroom and a little desk with a computer outside. Your best friend was staying in a room across the hall, she had the same layout only with different colours.

Your bed was comfortable and warm. You sighed and closed your eyes, touching your face with your hand. At the moment, everything seemed crazy, but your mind had cleared up a little and you could think straight.

You turned to the side and looked at the watch on the bedside table before sitting up. You would have wanted to go back to sleep, seeing as it was still too early for anyone else to be up already; it was your body the one who resisted and you figured you might go downstairs and find something to eat before talking to your best friend.

She's probably asleep. You thought as your feet touched the cold floor.

You walked across the room and found the bathroom, your long hair was pulled into a high ponytail to sleep with no discomfort. At that moment you pulled the elastic out of it and took a peek into the shower.

A shower was appealing. You discarded the idea when your stomach growled with hunger and you forgot if you managed to eat anything the day before.

Throwing some cold water on your face and cleaning the sleep from your eyes, you gave up on the clothes you had on. It was the baggy gym clothes or the dirty black suit you wore when you encountered the Avengers the day before. So the baggy clothes it was; and you felt like Peter Parker after he had to give back the suit and Tony made him wear that "I survived my trip to NYC" shirt. You covered your face with your hands and turned on your heal hoping for no one else to be in the kitchen.

You left the bathroom and then your room, going into the elevator to go down a few floors. When you reached the main one, you did not see anyone else walking around. Feeling safe, you promised yourself that you would just make yourself some coffee, grab a bagel or something and be off back to your room.

With the plan in your mind you were set to find a coffee mug and prepare the coffee, someone else was going to thank you for this later, although you were not quite sure who would be the biggest caffeine fan in the team.

You could not help the ideas in your head as you started drifting into your memories, the new ones. Everything felt like things you had lived, they were not like stories you remembered; every memory brought back feelings that made you shiver, smile, frown, burn or ache. You knew there was something off about the way and the reason why you were there. It made you wonder if it was a different universe, a parallel reality or another dimension.

With your thoughts somewhere else, you did not notice the tall blonde who walked into the kitchen in his tight blue shirt and dark pants. You took out a plate and placed it on the counter, mindless about anything happening around, you put a bagel on the plate and then got on your tip toes, jumping a little to reach and find a mug.

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