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Reality can be harsh sometimes.

Dara felt like her lungs are burning as she ran barefoot towards the hotel while holding her shoes on both hands. Her hair is already exploding in a million directions and her dress has long been demoted to a tattered rag rank after sweating buckets as she continuously ran like there's an herd of demons chasing her. But that's the least of her worries at the moment. She's already five minutes late and her boyfriend is not the type to wait.

As she was looking at the hotel with determination, her mind is actively weaving a hundred plausible excuses per second. Her uneasiness kept growing as she pictured him looking at his watch with his eyebrows knitted together. Breathing through her mouth, Dara picked up her speed, ignoring the curious glances of the bystanders as she zoomed past them like a lunatic.

Upon reaching the hotel building, Dara abruptly stopped and tried to catch her breath while looking up, lightly tapping her chest with the shoes that she was holding and noticing the full moon gracing the night sky. What she failed to notice is the guy standing at her left with his hands shoved inside his pockets while looking up with furrowed eyebrows at the hotel in front of them. His right arm is filled with tattoos and his eyes mirrors the rage inside him.

Dara hastily wore her shoes and grimaced at the sight of her messy dress. Once upon a time, that dress was cute and immaculately clean. After running around the city like her hair is on fire, she now looks like she just crawled out of hell. She heaved a deep sigh and braced herself for a fight that is undoubtedly going to happen between her and her boyfriend given that she's a few minutes late. Both Dara and the guy started walking at the same time with hurried steps and upon entering the hotel, Dara turned to the right while the guy turned to the left.

A few steps away from where the two were formerly standing, a string-keeper deity, otherwise known as a 'Hadana', is giggling to herself while resting her hands on her hips.

"Finally, it's time!", Hadana Bom excitedly gushed and clasped her hands together. She closed her eyes and chanted, "Red string of fate, arise before me"

When she opened her eyes, a smile formed on her lips as she gleefully stared at the sparkling red string from a distance connecting the destined couple that was assigned to her.

Her smile instantly faded when a swirling sphere of black smoke appeared before her. A tall guy with piercing eyes stepped forward out of thin air and the black smoke vanished. The trickster deity, otherwise known as a 'Jursa', smirked at her.

"Hello", Jursa Seunghyun greeted her in a deep monotone voice. But before Bom can even answer...

"Bye", he said while stepping backwards as black smoke engulfed him once again until he completely vanished.

After unleashing an annoyed scream, Bom stepped backwards and white glittery smoke enveloped her whole body until she disappeared.

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