[ Chapter 1: Android 21 ]

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"Hey! get back here you thief!!!"

"I don't think so.." The magenta haired teen scoffed, she ran away from the angry old man shouting and waving his balled fist at her. Soon after, about three Cop vehicles came rushing after her. Her grip tightened around the paper bag that was filled with the clothes she stole.

'No way am I giving this back! My clothes are all torn and ugly. So be it wether I stole it or not. Though seems like these humans want to play~".

The cyborg grinned, her bright pools of blue glowed a bright red as she scanned their power levels.

"According to my data base, I am much stronger than any of you fools. This certainly will be boring".

A pretty girl she was. Almost too innocent to one's eyes. She was more than she was really. A creation by the evil scientist, Dr Gero himself. Android 21. Specifically built to destroy a man by the name of Goku. To kill. Due to his misfortune the teen took control over her own actions and refused to do such a thing. Being half human, she had recollected every bit of what she was and fought against her creators wishes. Now she was all on her own. Not able to know her past before she was made into what she is now.

Android 21 looked over her shoulder, she lifted her arm and spreaded her hand, a bright orb formed and she aimed it right at them carelessly, the cars collided onto one another and crashed into a large explosion of smoke. Screams echoed. Explosion soon turned to a bright flames.

"Well now that, that's  taken care of..." She hummed a small tune under her breath, acting as if the fire wasn't there nor the pleadful screams of help.

"Hey, you shouldn't be hurting innocent people like that!"

Her eyes opened to the sound of the voice. She recognized the voice. When she looked over her shoulder, she saw a large man holding the injured officers who coughed from all the smoke. The ravennete man blinked.

'Who is she? Why can't I sense her energy?" That was when he noticed the Red Ribbon army logo on the upper corner of her white torn blouse she was wearing. His eyes widened

"Y-You're an a-android?!!!" He dropped the two sacks he was holding both of his sides. Android 21 gazed at him with a bored expression

"And you are?..Goku?" She said in a mocking tone before crossing her arms over her chest. "Yes, like any other of the old mans creations, I was made to kill you".

Goku's eyes hardened at her words and he quickly stood on his fighting stance, ready to take on any attack from the girl alone.

"I never said I wanted to fight you either, I don't see the point of it really. Doctor Gero may have cronstructed me to destroy his enemies but I do what I want. Later.." She shrugged and began to walk away, leaving a shocked saiyan. Goku quickly shook his head and ran after the girl.

"Hey wait! How do I know you're not going to harm any more innocent people?" He frowned.

"Because I don't hurt people on purpose. I just needed something new to wear and these idiots decided to chase after me so I just did what any person would to defend themselves if they're fetching for themselves " Android 21 rolled her eyes. Goku rose a brow at her. He processed some thoughts in mind. Was she really not going to try to kill him like the scientist's every other creations? She just looked like a rebellious teenger to him. Judging by her explanation she really didn't have anywhere to go either.

"Wait! So you're saying the only reason you're doing this is because of that? What if I said you can stay with me and my family! I don't think Chi-Chi would mind!" Goku laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. The cyborg looked at him in disbelief.

"You can't be serious right? You're literally inviting an android who was created by an evil scientist to kill you over to your house where you are surrounded by your loved ones?".

The naive man grinned widely "Well you said you're only doing this because you need help! You said you didn't want to kill me either!".

"You're either the nicest person I ever met or the dumbest.." She muttered before shaking her head and stiffling a faint smile. Goku returned the smile. "That's me! I should probably take you to Capsule Corp to introduce you to the others!"

"Capsule corp? You mean that Corporation on West city?"

"That's it! How did you know?"

"That's a stupid question.." She eyed him with a knitted eyebrow.

"O-Oh you're right! You being an android and all! Man if Gero was a nice guy imagine all the stuff he could do! Wait, so what should I call you? I dont really know if you androids have-"

"Call me Saki" The girl brushed a piece of her magenta hair behind her ear.

The only thing she could really remember at least. It beats being called a number anyways.

Android 21: An Android 17 love storyWhere stories live. Discover now