[Chapter 4: Son Saki]

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"I must say, I almost feel sorry for you. I was wrong when I said you weren't an utter fool like your father over there. As soon as I'm done with you, Kakarots next-" The Saiyan let a cocky smile spread across his lips. Saki rolled her eyes.

"I think it's you who is playing the fool here"

Vegeta growled and stepped forward

"What was that brat?!".

His aggressive behavior failed to intimidate the girl in any way. This was certainly going to be a fight that he wasn't going to win. She knew that for a fact. He would grow tired in just a matter of minutes if his intent was to throw in all the power he had within him. Unlike him, Android 21 had infinite power that would last forever. She would never grow tired. That is what made her superior to him.

"I said- you are the fool here. You're pushing your luck, you'll get no where with that cocky attitude of yours. Why don't you just shut your trap. I'm starting to think you're all bark but no bite".

"Why you little...!!!" He stormed right for the girl. She grinned before sprinting forward, dodging his punch. Vegeta's eyes widened and , taken back for a moment though it was too late as she took the opportunity to pack a fist right into his gut. He coughed out spit. Saki showed no mercy and made sure to make best of the advantages given. She smirked in satisfaction and threw him onto the ground, ending in a large dusty explosion that created quite a huge crater within the ground. Vegeta was left speechless. Her power was something he couldn't comprehend. But never in his life would he admit such a thing. Never would he let a measly girl beat him he thought. He snarled and flew forward, a bright flame over grew him as he balled his fists.

"T-That's impossible!" Krillen spat. Yamcha and the others were frozen on the spot at the scene they just witnessed. 

"S-She hit him like it was nothing...G-Goku are you sure she hasn't done any training????" Bulma had a crooked smile.

"Ahahah! She might have lifted a few weights when she got the chance.." Even he was amazed by the little it took to take Vegeta off guard. He could only imagine how much the proud prince was fuming that he had been easily brought down by her. 'She may be strong..but I feel like she's hiding something more..Dr Gero did make her...that couldn't have been it..could it?..".

Goku stepped forward between the two fighters and held his hands up "I think that's enough for today! Why don't we just-"

"Stay out of it Kakorot!" Vegeta shot a blast at him. Saki grinned and set down back onto the solid ground. "Whatever..I've already did what had to be done. Pride gets you nowhere like I said..~"

"Don't get so full of yourself because you managed to dodge me! I will destroy you and you'll witness your own downfall brat!!!!" Bulma stepped forward "That's enough Vegeta, now go clean up, you're all covered in dirt!!!"

"And who are you to give me orders!?"

"You happen to be staying where I live at! Thus leaving me the right to tell you what to do. What? If you don't like it then leave! It's not like anyone else would be willing to let in someone so rude!" She scoffed before flipping her hair in his face and strolling away with her arms crossed. Vegeta clicked his tongue at first, though he coped with the woman that shared his same stubbornness and followed after her.

"You could at least have some proper attire for those who don't wish to actually look like a wall flower bul-moose".

"Oh shut up!"

The teen watched from afar, satisfied and a bit amused watching the two bicker around with each other.

'They look like a couple screaming at each other like that..how cute..' She thought in a sarcastic tone.

"Man I can't stand that guy, glad you put him in his place Saki. You should have came sooner! Now I'm sure you're Gokus daughter! Pretty strong like your old man huh?"

"I guess so" She shrugged and fiddled with her golden earring. "Judging by the look on that guys face I guess I hurt his pride pretty bad huh?"

Goku chuckled "That's Vegeta for ya!" The raven haired man gently patted Sakis shoulder. "Good job kid!".

"Say..you two don't really look alike, you being his daughter was my last guess!" Yamcha said.

"Yeah we get that a lot, must have gotten it from Chi-Chi's side of the family or something. Gohan tells us that every time".


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