[ Chapter 2 ]

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"I don't think your little friends are going to be as welcoming to me as you were when they find out about me you know.." Saki said as she soared through the bright blue sky that surrounded them followed by the gushes of wind that lifted up her bangs.

" I'm not really sure, I mean you don't really look like those other androids. You look more human that anything!" Goku smiled.

"You know I'm really starting to wonder wether you really are the guy who beat his army.." She muttered, giving him a stinky eye. The cyborg wasn't really aware of what had happened there. All she did remembered was the whole reason why Gero was after him. But what was it that he said right after that? Something about two others?..She shook her head and sighed, ceasing to remember what it was. It was so long ago when all of that had happened. She toyed with her gold hoop earring that dangled on her ear until she looked down. She realized the two weren't far from their destination. Somehow she was quite familiar with the area. Saki spotted a few figures down below.

"Guys look! It's Goku!" Krillen shouted and pointed his finger towards the sky.

"He finally decided to show up. We've been waiting for him for a while now and he just happ-" Bulma expression faded when she spotted the girl in the sky, she squinted her eyes in attempt to get a closer look. "Wait who's that?"

Krillen blinked and took a closer look too until he noticed Saki flying alongside him, as they flew in closer he was able to get a good look at the girl, and he didn't seem to look away.

"Who is //that//???" Yamcha's jaw dropped along with the others.

"Is that his friend or something? She's pretty good looking!" Both of the boys grinned and kept looking ahead until she and Goku landed on the solid ground before them. Vegeta eyed the man with his usual narrowed eyes. His suspicion upon witnessing the girl immediately rose.

Goku smiled and waved at them "Hey guys!" He didn't receive any greeting from his friends because they were too busy eyeing down the girl standing next to him. Bulma shook her head from her trance and rubbed the back of her neck with a sheepish smile.

"Say Goku, who's your friend??.." She said cautiously. .

Krillen stepped forward and rubbed his head with a nervous smile "Y-Yeah goku ya know it's rude not to introduce someone's that's a complete stranger to us, not to mention she's totally hot.." The minuscule sized man cleared his throat and blushed at the sight of the android. She was by far one of the prettiest girl's he's ever seen. Though, he wouldn't think of her like that if he really knew who she was. Saki was far from amused by his and the other man's staring. Rather of being flattered, she was utterly annoyed.

Saki eyed him before looking to the side with a scoff before crossing her arms over her chest. Krillen sweat dropped before lowering his own head in dismay.

There was a moment of silence, neither the cyborg nor the man next to her spoke. Bulma, Yamcha and Krillen looked at him in anticipation, awaiting for him to answer the question. Saki remained dead quite. Her bright blue eyes shun rather dully. Suddenly, the teen felt a hand pat her bundle of magenta locks.

"She's my daughter!".

They all stared at him as if he were insane, eyes widened to pupils. Even the Saiyan Prince was struck shock. He had broke out of his careless looking expression. Even Saki was surprised herself. She opened her mouth to protest but the others beat her to it.


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