[ Chapter 6: The Return of Frieza ]

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A couple of months passed by and everything was at its absolute peace. For Goku, it seemed like forever since he spent time with his family for once.  Although, everything seemed too calm. Saki had adapted to living with the Son family, and even though she was now one of them, she always referred to them as if she wasn't part of the family at all. Deep within her she still felt like an outcast. But Chi-Chi was the one who comforted the magenta haired girl saying things like "Oh you're still on that? You honestly feel like you're an outcast?" "Have you not met your father and brother?!" "They're a bunch of bottomless pits! I swear!". In the end she ended up making a whole speech about why the two of them were far from being normal and practically insulting them. She knew she was just trying to make her feel better and it worked.

But on this particular day the Son family was having a picnic outside of their small home. It was a perfect day for fishing. But Goku was using his own particular way of catching fish. Gohan sat besides Android 21, blinking as he watched his father spring into the cool lake waters, seizing the poor fish with his two bare hands like it was some game. Either way he seemed to be enoying himself.

"Look! Caught another one!" He gave a big goofy smile. The large blue fish in his grasp  managed to slip from his hands and slap him right in the face with its tail before dipping itself into water once more. Goku frowned "Aw! Man! Come back here!"

"Maybe if you use a fishing rod like a normal person then you wouldn't have trouble catching them Goku. Honestly? Is that the kind of example you're trying to show your son?" Chi-Chi growled. Saki gently patted the woman's back "Don't worry. I don't think Gohan will inherit such barbaric ways with you around Mrs. Son".

"How can I know that for sure? I mean he already eats like him so he isn't far behind in learning bad manners like his father! And what is this whole Mrs. Son thing?" Chi-Chi sighed "You don't have to call me that you know. We are family now. Just call me mom, okay? "

"Sorry about that. I guess it's just a force of habit. My data base refers to you as Goku's wife but I thought that would be more appropriate".

"Data base?..what's that about sis?" Gohan asked, stuffing a warm dumpling into his mouth.

"You could say that Gero input such a thing inside of me because he wanted to make sure I did the job. But it still didn't work. I don't need some sick doctor telling what I need to do. I don't like to be told around.." Saki spoke in a calm manner.

"He was certainly cold blooded. I mean how could someone turn an innocent girl into an android?" Gohan frowned, the sadness in his pools of black matched the frown forming on his lips.

"He certainly wasn't afraid to use anything at his advantage to take over the world. I remember the last time I saw him he called me an ungrateful brat. That I should be thankful that he used his latest discoveries in technology to construct me into a killing machine. He said he put all his sweat into making me invincible. Of course, the idiot had done something wrong in the end. If not, I wouldn't be here defying his orders..." Saki grinned.

"Do you think he's looking for you?" Gohan asked.

"Not a chance. He couldn't find me even if he tried. An old man like him wouldn't stand a chance against your father- I mean our father anyways".

"Yeah, you're right. Dad's really strong! Isn't he?" Gohan smiled. Saki noticed that he looked just like his father when he did that. She gave him a bit of a smile in return.

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