[Chapter 7: From the future I come!]

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I know it's been over a year since I've updated and I don't blame you guys for forgetting about this story. I just wasn't motivated to update the story to be honest so it was very hard for me to write another chapter for you guys without it looking like a hot mess.  But I suddenly got inspired to continue so I will do my best. I was reading over past chapters and I will make as many grammatical changes as I can. I honestly don't want to give up on this story and will update as many chapters as I can. <3

"Let me give you a piece of advice.."

Frieza spoke, the a smile of amusement ceased to leave his lips as he observed the lavender hair man before him. He had already thought humans were foolish. But this one, this one was beyond idiotic. To think that the human had come a long way to face him, the emperor of the universe to tell him that he would last no longer than five minutes. It might have angered Frieza, but instead, he was delighted because the so called planet 'Earth' was in his control. His strengths having been reduced to a broader level, a more powerful one, made him believe that he was invensible, that he could destroy Earth at the palm of his hand, but most importantly, he would get his rightful revenge against Goku. That wretched saiyan who had not only cost him his pride but who was nothing but a lowlife monkey, and for that Frieza would make sure he paid dearly by having him watch him kill his friends one by one and all that the saiyan goes by protecting. The mysterious man chuckled to himself, causing Frieza to grit his teeth.

"Why you!..-"

"Listen up! I've got some advice for you too Frieza. Know your enemies. You've already made some big assumptions about me and that's what's going to cost you dearly".

"You insolent brat! You should really learn to control your tongue.." Frieza hissed in warning, balling his fists together.

"Just destroy him already, we've haven't got all day now" King Cold said, crossing his arms over his armored suit. The king of the universe was growing impatient and found it useless to which such amount of time on a pitiful human.

"Now father, I am only trying to have a bit of fun, what's the rush?" Frieza replied, a smirk playing at his lips.


"You'll be a fool if you fight on your own. Some pride you have. It'll only lead you to nothing, understand?" Saki's gaze hardened, and it was obvious that her glowing red eyes indicated that she was in fact not human. Vegeta's eyes widened, in shock as her force had doubled in strength than when they had fought before. This girl was not of saiyan blood, but she was definitely not human either. It was obvious enough. Her brute strength and her unusual red glowing eyes. Bulma, Tien, Yamcha, Krillin, Piccolo and even her father stared at her in wide shock as they watched the teenage girl slam Vegeta onto the ground like it was nothing.

Gritting his teeth, Vegeta quickly composed himself by rising from the ground, his eyes narrowed as he balled his fists together. He wouldn't allow some girl to overpower him in front of everyone like that. Though, too shocked to even throw a blow of his own, he glared at Saki

"Just what..just what are you brat?-".

"It's none of your business what I am. I'm telling you right now that you are no match for this energy I am sensing. You along with everybody here don't stand a chance, understand?" The android crossed her arms over her chest, completely disregarding what had just happened as she stepped back and looked into the distance where she picked up on the mysterious man along with two other life forces.

"I hate to state the obvious but uh, what was that about??? Since when do you saiyan's have red glowing eyes!!!???" Krillen stammered.

"Yeah, are you not going to explain? Just who are you really?" Bulma frowned and turned to Goku, giving him suspicious eye. "C'mon. Out with it Goku, just what is going on? Is Saki even your daughter?" Goku who was clearly nervous was going to answer with one of his unbelievable excuses when the power they sensed grew even stronger and the ground beneath them began to tremble furiously.


"What....?! N-No it..it can't be..!!"

Frieza stared at the scene eye wided with a look of horror as he watched the mysterious lavender haired man raise his key at an expontial height, one far greater and far mightier than the power he displayed to one of his henchmen. The ground crumbled, and rocks began to float in the air as the fighter's hair became a shining gold, and his eyes a light teal color.

"So..these are what they call Super Saiyans?.." King Cold questioned, observing the transformation that was taking place.


"You look like you've seen a ghost, Frieza" The stranger said, a smug grin on his lips as he watched the emperor of the universe tremble before him.

Frieza clenched his teeth and shouted "I..I AM NOT SCARED OF YOU!"

He sent a blast of ki towards the Super Saiyan's direction, which the fighter effortlessly dodged. He seemed to have had enough with taunting Frieza and went decided to finish him once for all. The Super Saiyan rushed and without giving Frieza much time to react, used his sword to slice through him until he was in pieces before proceeding to blast him out of his existence, like it was nothing. All that was left now was to end the larger lizard-like version that was his father, who now appeared to be afraid, and terrified for his life as he had just witnessed the Saiyan single-handedly kill his son.

King Cold quickly backed away and pleaded "P-Please spare me! I will give you an entire galaxy! Y-Yes! Yes! E-Even make you King!" He said, trying to reason with the fighter.

The man only smirked, amused that just seconds ago the alien was impatiently waiting for his son to destroy Earth and convert it into pieces before going on their way. But here he was, nearly on his knees, begging for his life to be spared. Raising his hand, the fighter blasted the King into pieces.

"Sorry, but your time is up".


The Z-fighters watched, astonished by the sight of Frieza's ship being blown into pieces. A large explosion occurred, creating a humongous cloud of smoke that surrounded the scene as a large blast of energy destroyed every part of the ship  and caused it to explode to the point where there was no trace of King Cold or Frieza. The fight had ended in no less than perhaps ten minutes. The young man took a deep breath and the shining gold color of his hair returned to its lavender color along with his power level. He sensed that he was being watched and immediately peered over to a cliff, and there, through the slight smoke that surrounded him, he could clearly see everyone. His eyes widened and he felt his face grow pale when he saw Goku amongst the fighters. His shocked written expression grew when he also spotted the young girl standing besides him.

'W-What..w-what is this? No..this isn't right..Goku was s-supposed to arrive later. How can this be!?'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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