⚘ 10

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= jung yoomi =

i heard a beeping sound as i felt a slight soreness on my neck as i sat up and looked around.


i looked around at the white surroundings...

no not heaven

and certainly not hell.

it was
a hospital

as i scanned the room i found taehyung asleep just at a table right beside me.

i looked to him with anger and frustration.

it could have ended.

it could have...

"taehyung!" i yelled at him making him wake up.

"yoomi you're awa—"

"why did you bring me here? you could've just let me die." i felt tears running down my cheeks.

"yoomi i need to talk to you please." he walked up to me.

"no get away from me." i pushed him once again making him stagger back.

"yoomi please." he stood up and came closer again.

"taehyung there's no reason for me to live... why did you—" without warning he came in and hugged me and the warmth from his body indulging me.

"yoomi without you i wouldn't have anything else to live for... " his words shook my entire world as his warm breath tickled my neck.

"wh—what—you're lying." i wanted to push him away but my arms felt weak.

"no i'm not. yoomi please just listen to me." he let go and sat down as he pulled a chair beside the bed.

"yoomi... i never meant to say that. i got drunk..." he breathed heavily while i crossed my arms still not believing in what he said.

"yoomi... i'm sorry for not being able to be brave enough to say this to you... i was afraid that i was not enough for you." my eyes begun to widen as i listened to him intently.

"yoomi... i've always thought of you as more of my tutor and even more than a friend." i dropped my arms as i interpreted his words.

his words begun scaring me.

part of me wanted to believe him and part of me didn't want to.

"you're lying..." i rolled my eyes at him but my heart was beating as the speed of light.

"yoomi so you really think i don't know how to answer simple equations and out of all people why you?" suddenly his words hit me.

i always thought of taehyung as someone who couldn't even divide but it never occurred to me that he was top if his class in the first place.

and why me?

"yoomi i've always kept a close eye on you and i know that you've always harmed yourself because i did too." the words that came first didn't bother me but the last did.

i grabbed his wrist and adjusted his sleeve to see red marks just like mine.

"taehyung... " i was at a loss of words. he didn't seem like that kind of guy.

he was always happy and he always made everyone else happy.

"when i met you i knew that you did the same and i just didn't anyone else to feel the way i felt. i didn't mean to fall inlove with you but i did." i looked at him as he looked to the ground.

"when i got closer to you my life seemed better. i would've given up on life but you inspired me that there are still things left to live for." i continued to hold his wrist as tears fell from his story.

i never expected teahyung to be like this.

hiding behind a mask with the pain buried deeply.

"life was never fair to me. my parents were to busy for me and people don't take me seriously because i always joke around. girls only wanted me for what i looked like. i'm really sorry about what i did to you i—"

his words left me dumbfounded.

i didn't care about what happened before. nothing mattered. all that mattered was him.

i came in and gave him a hug.

"i'm sorry taehyung. sorry for not taking the time to listen to you. sorry for always pushing you away. i'm sorry about not noticing your pain."

it took him a moment before he too gave me a hug.

the warmth between our bodys made the cold and sirene hospital environment so much better.

"thank you for forgiving me yoomi and thank you for everything."

he pulled himself from our hug and i could see the happiness in his eyes.

all my life was set with pain and unhappiness.

i lived a forlorn life knowing nothing more than hurting myself.

but now i know more than that.

now i know what love is.

and now i know how to live.

"no taehyung... thank you..." i breathed in deeply as i looked into his beautiful eyes.

his smile lit up my life.

"thank you for giving me a reason to live."

okay so that's a wrap. among all the stories i wrote in the blood sweat and tears series i think this is quite relatable now a days. please don't go through suicide cause it is never an answer. please don't harm yourself. always know that someone will always be there to love you and i'm one of them. thank you soooo much for reading this book. i love seeing the votes and reads i get. i hope that you guys will leave comments about the book cause it means everything to me. thank you ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2017 ⏰

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