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"Hello is this Maria Pines" The phone operates asked
"Yes this is her" She said
"We have horrible news" They said
"What is it" her tone turned cold
"Your husband committed suicide a few hours ago" They told her
". . ." silents entered the room
"We are truly sorry for your lost" they told her
". . . ." Not a word was spoken
"Ms. Pines?"

She hung up the phone and collapsed on the floor. The room filled with cries and whimpers as she laid there. Her moans were loud and filled with grief.

"Why!" She cried
"Mark why" She broke

The door was opened quickly as she saw two men come in the room.

"Maria pines nice to see you again" They said
"There's a storm outside. Why are you here?" Hiding her grief from the men
"We're here to ask a favor from you" The men asked
"Depends " wiping her grief away

Once that was said a crash was made. The storm was getting worse by a second. No warning was announced about a hurricane hitting California.

This year was going to change for the Pines family life.

"We're here to ask about Mark Pines" He stated placing a photo of his lifeless body on the table
"Where did you get it? " She asked holding back the tears
"Mark Pines was supposed to tell us something until he 'left' " The other said
"What did you want from hi-" a strong clap of lighting hit the ground

Everything was quite for a solid moment. Outside was terrible because slowly there house will be overflowed with water.

Maria looked outside and saw the water slowly raising. She slowly backed up and grabbed the door handle. Slowly she turned it and a cold blade was placed on her throat. Shaking from fear she wonder how did he do that without her seeing.

Slowly letting go of the handle she looked at the men with fear. Breathing heavily and crying quietly to herself. Praying to the gods that they wouldn't hurt her or the children. A louder boom was heard from everyone. The door opened and water poured in.

The men were knocked off from there feet from the water. She rushed out to the room where her twins were. She saw the horror on their faces. She hugged them tight and told them everything was okay. She carried the girl and grabbed the young boys hand to a safer place. The roof.

They sat on the roof and saw almost the whole town flooded. They saw many people drowned and some surviving.

Maria looked at her two children and smiled. The man didn't drown from the water. The mother looked at her child and smiled.

"Give me the boy" he yelled
"Your not taking my son" Maria yelled
"Wrong choice" he smirked

The man took out a gun and pointed it at her. Terrified of what was going to happen wasn't on her mind. The only thing she was worried about was her children. Maria never wanted Mason or Mable to be in harm. She wanted them to he safe from any type of danger.

Everyone wanted her son because of a gift that he had. The gift was given to him when he was born. The power is unknown for the time. At the young lads age he's not suppose to have this power. Mason never had a normal childhood (he's only 5) for the most part. Hiding from the police and hiding from people like that man.

Only a rare percentage of people were born with that gift. The rest of the world was normal. They called them 'the gifted'. Some called them demons and some called them monsters. That was never the case.

The man shot the gun and the built missed her. Little Mason thought that it hit his mother,but it didn't. His eyes began to glow a bright blue. His arms were covered in brick marks.

Mason powers killed the man and his mother. The hurricane disappeared and the water was gone. It looked like there was no hurricane at all. Mason and Mable went to there mother crying. The young girl looked at her mother and held her hand.

"Mason..... Mable..... Don't sob over me" she said
"Mommy" Mable cried
"Don't worry my child"

There mother kissed Mable's cheek one last time. Mason looked at his mother and started to claim down. Slowly his eyes started to turn back to his brown color. The marks slowly started to disappear.

She smiled at her young boy and whispered in his ear.

"Protect the ones you love Mason"

Little Mason eye's widen with tears as his mother gripped loosen. He shook his mother, but she was already gone. The two children were left alone to suffer but Mason had other plans.

The young girl sobbed into her brothers arms. He hugged her sister and patted her head. Telling her that everything was going to he alright. Mason looked at Mable and whispered in her ear.

"Call me Dipper, Mable"

She nodded yes and looked at Dipper while hugging him tighter.

-×time skip×-

Hours later the children were found in stable condition. Dipper looked at his sister and held her hand the whole way. They went to a small town named gravity falls to live with their uncles.

Dipper knew the truth but told a lie to everyone he told. After that Dipper never trusted anyone but himself and his sister.

-×years later×-

Dipper was 12 years old with his sister. On their 12th birthday there uncles left them. They disappeared during the night. Leaving the two alone. Dipper saw them leave, he saw them plan everything.

Dipper started to run a small newspaper shop & selling box's with his sister. That was Dipper's undercover job for his real one. Dipper started stealing and selling guns that are worth millions of dollars to mafias. (He keeps some goodies for himself as well)

Dipper would risk his life for her survival.

He's been doing this for years and has never been caught. Dipper is one of the Mayor's great and trustworthy friends. After years of being in this town he got everyone to trust him.
It was that simple.

Now him and his sister can live without worries.

Until he meant a certain gangster. . .

This is tiny!
Little cute potato isn't he
He'll be popping up sometimes!
He'll be in the comments talking to
You guys K!

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