The Aftermath

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POV Dipper.

I woke up with a huge headache. I look around and I am on my couch. what happened by night? I see me run down the stairs. Now, I know I'm gonna get yelled at by Mabel. She doesn't like me drinking, but I do it anyway, because I need time away from that shop.

Mabel playfully punches my arm, but I know she's pretty angry at me. I'm still concerned what happened last night.

" do you know how worried I was last night? " Mabel said raising her voice just a little.
" I'm sorry, Mabel I just have a huge headache. Can you talk a little bit softer? " I said putting my hand to my head rubbing it.
" I will, but you should really tell me when you're coming home late. " Mabel said getting up and going to the kitchen.
" I know Mabel I'm sorry I just had a little too much drink last night, I don't remember what happened at all. " I said as Mabel give me glass of water.
"Drink some water. " She smiled
"Thanks Mabel. " I said after taking a sip of the water.
"And what's with that hat? " Mabel asked
"His hat. " I mumbled to myself.
"What? " Mabel said.
"Nothing." I said.

I realize that I have to go to work today. I stood up and went to my room. I took a quick shower and changed my clothes. I went out the door and went to the shop. Mabel didn't stop me. I held Bill's hat and smiles.

"What happened last night? "

POV Bill.

Fuck. My fucking head hurts. Why? What did I fucking to this time. I woke up and I was in the living room. I can see everyone around me. What happened last night? The last thing I remember was pine tree drinking.

" what fucking happened last night? " I said rubbing my head.
" well, bill, I have no clue because you left without telling us where you are going. " Will said screaming at me.

I hope I have everything. I have my shirt, my pants on and put my shoes are off, but where did my tie to and hat go?

" Bill. Do you even remember what happened last night. " lady widow asked me.
" I don't remember anything from last night, except seeing gleeful on the room. That all I remember. " I said.
" who did you meeting up with? Maybe we could ask them what happened if they even know. " Andrew said. Finally, giving a good idea for once.
" I was with Dipper. " I sit waiting for their reaction.
" you were with Mr. Dipper" Star said as her face lit up.
" so that's why he didn't tell us. " Will said. Nudging my elbow while saying it.
" sometimes I hate you will." I said rolling my eyes.
" Bill, you're staying here. We're gonna ask him what happened if even knows. " Andrew sighed
" I'm coming with you. " I said getting up.

They didn't bother to stop me. I wonder if he knows how to relieve a hangover. I hope he does cause. I'm getting a huge headache right now. We walked off the warehouse and headed off to his shop.

POV Dipper.

I'm in my shop and I'm not doing any work, I'm just sitting down trying to calm down my headache. I just wish that my powers can relieve hangovers but it can't. Before I left me will give me 2 bottles of ginger water. Apparently this can help hangovers.

She gave me one, but I asked her for 2 in case Bill showed up to ask me anything. I hope he remembers more than me.

" why did a fucking drink that much?"
I rolled my eyes leaning back on my chair.

These are things I vaguely remember. I invited Bill to drink with me at the bar from downtown, then we were drinking and laughing than Gideon shows up, he runs my mood, but then Bill cheers me up again, then we made an alliance and that everything.

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