they know.

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Gideon pov.

it's been two day since Stanley and Stanford told me that my bride won't marry me. I told them! These fools didn't listen and know they'll pay. I won't hurt my bride, but her brother. I'll hurt the things he loves most. That little girl from the Demons. Star. She'll be perfect to kill.

It's time to pay your price pines.

Pov Dipper

Mabel was at home in her room doing things. I was over at the warehouse hanging out with star. Everyone else were in there rooms.

"Mr. Dipper wanna go to the docks right beside the warehouse?" star asked.
"sure." I said.
"okay let's go! " star yelled.

Star ran ahead of me, I was stopped my Bill.

"Pintree where are you going with star? " Bill asked.
"I-I'm going to t-the docks, right next to the warehouse. " I said. Why am I stuttering?
"okay, I'll meet you two there. " Bill said giving me a cute dull smile.
"o-okay. " I said.

I smiled at Bill and realized that I was holding his hand. A faint blush was on both of our cheeks. I let go of bill's hand and went outside.

I started to walk to the docks. I was far ahead from Bill. I see the rest of them walk out.

"Mr. Dipper!" I heard star yell.

I followed her voice and saw her tied up. Gideon. Gideon was holding her near the edge of the dock.

"gleeful what are you doing. Let her go. Now. " I said.
"Pines you paying your price. " he smiled.
"What did I ever do to you gleeful. " I said.
"Dipper.... I'm scared. " Star said.
" does marrgie ring a bell. "
"I'm not letting you marry my sister. She doesn't love you, you piece of shit." I yelled.

I look behind me and see Andrew, lady widow, Will and Bill.

"your living a lie Dipper. " Gideon said.
"no I'm not. " I said
"tell them the truth-"
"don't Mr. Dipper. " star yelled.
"you told her. " he smiled.
"she found out just like you." I said.
"should I kill her know or later. " Gideon said pointing a gun to her head.
"please stop." star begged.
"tell them the truth dipper or else she's dead. " Gideon said putting his finger to the trigger .
"Mr. Dipper don't." star said.
"what's going on? " Will said.
"Dipper? " lady widow said.
"your a murder Pines. " Gideon said.
"I'm not it was a accident. " I said.

I was getting to angry and scared at the same time. I can't control my emotions and my powers at the same time. My eyes started to turn a darker blue than usually. My marks were somewhat glowing.

"say it! Your just like him aren't you. I know you Dipper. Your a monster like Stanley and Stanford." Gideon yelled.
"I'm nothing like them I only use these fucking power to save the people I love. I don't us this to kill. " My eyes widen as the power got stronger.
"tell them or I will. " Gideon said.
"leave her alone. She has nothing to do with this. "I said
"yes she does. You love her just like Mabel, you want to keep her safe. You want nothing to happen to this demon. You would do anything." Gideon said.
"There just like family to you. The one you would never have. The one that you killed. " Gideon said.
"You'll die Gleeful" I said while my eyes glowed brighter.
"oops. "

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