
911 49 1

Pov Dipper

It's early morning and I'm still thinking about the letter that was sent to us. Was it on purpose of them living or do they have a reason?

I know why this is giving me a headache. I remember the last thing they told me before they left. ' Become stronger '

That's what I did to survive to become stronger. It's late evening. It's about 5 and I'm getting ready to do my daily heist.  I wear a mask so people won't recognize my face. They only see my mouth and down.

When I do these, I never let me Mabel out of the house. It's too risky.  I stole her with work to do in the house, and since she's such a procrastinator she won't get them done by night.

" Goodbye Mabel. I'll be back as soon as possible, okay. " I said letting out a small yawn.
" Okay, dipper, just be careful out there. " She smiles beginning to sweep.

I leave the house and go straight to my shop to gather some weapons because in a heist you need them.

I grabbed a portable one. They're hidden easier than regular ones.
I make sure that no one knows me, see me. I walk in the bank around the bank and find a hallway that no one's in. Since I know where ever cameras placed, I know were safe.

I feel sorry for the mayor. He's a way, too gullible. That's what I like about him. He's easy to trick. I put on a mask and wear a different shirt. The security here is pretty bad, I don't have to worry about that.

The law enforcement in this town is shitty, but the idiots that call themselves criminals get caught. I wonder what they call me in the criminal world. I never gave myself a name. My mask has a small pine tree on my left cheek.  I always hide my mask to make sure no one ever sees.

I want to make this classy, not gonna be sneak about it. I don't really care, they never catch me anyway. I want to make this old school like in the theaters.

I walk in the middle of the bank where everyone is and shot my gun up and fired. That is very satisfying.

" No one move. "

I make my voice all but deeper because almost everyone in town knows me.

" What do you want? " The bank teller tells me.
" I will make this a little bit easier. Give me the code and I'll be gone. " I smile pointing my gun at him.
" The code is 556908. " He stutters trying not to make a fool of himself.  Pathetic.
" If you lie to me, someone will get shot. "

I do my thing turn off the security cameras taking the footage,  getting the money. Yeah, all that stuff.
I see someone is trying to be brave and stick up to me, oh, this is gonna give me a huge headache after.

One look at them and he melted back on the floor. This is gonna make me laugh pathetic. They're all so trust worthy. It's going to make me laugh, but it's sick. These people in this town are dim witted, they can even stop a mouse from eating their treats if they even tried. These people need to grow a backbone or get better security. I mean, really, this is pathetic.

I hear the cop sirens and all that stuff that doesn't worry me.

" Well, thank you gravity falls, hope you enjoy your day and thank you for the easy money. " I bowed at the end leaving.

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