My little Doll

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POV Star

Today is the day, I guess. That we get to visit the new shopkeeper that William and bill told me. It's about 6, but we usually don't leave this early. The only reason why we wake up so early to train in case. Something bad happens.

I'm waiting in the living room area and I still have that bag that Mr. dipper gave me. I saw the glove it fits me perfectly and covers a tattoo.

Then everyone shows up, and we just wait, and we didn't train at all today. Then I realized that this might be an easy day. Or so it seemed.

POV Dipper

It's about 6, and it's about time to go open the shop and I open early. Today, I let my sister come with me. I feel like that was a big mistake, but she leaves early anyway. That's a good thing, right? She usually delivers the papers while I stay in the shop. She is usually not good writing shop by herself.

" Mabel remembered to to actually pass out the papers, not just throw them at people. " I sighed because it happened often.
"Don't worry bro bro. I won't this time." she smiled
" I'm trusting you this time. After all the papers are gone, you can go home or do whatever you want. " I said

We started walking to town where the shop was. People were already walking the streets, opening their shops and prepping for the day. Mabel starts to get all things that she needs answer to head out for her shift. And now I just need to go to the docks and get what I need. The shipments.

They delivered it to me by my door. I have to wait a few minutes because the docs are pretty far. The good thing is it arrives early and its little goody for me. It's a shipment of guns, and they're not supposed to come here till a year from now, but I have my ways.

The good thing is I get to keep some guns. It's always a pleasure. At the time, its 10 and I've been waiting for these for a few hours. I expect him to go fast because these guns are heavy.

I put the shipment in the back, so I could organize it later cuz I don't feel like doing it right now. For now, I'm just cleaning up putting away some boxes and all that stuff that's what I mainly do here, and it's pretty boring. But after my morning she was over, I get have a little fun.

I turn on the radio because there is nothing to do here.

" Attention gravity falls in auto, current has occurred near the uptown shops. We advise you to be careful because there is some strange activity going on. Please be aware and have a safe and wonderful morning. "

This was quite odd. We've never had a broadcast like this, I believe this is new. Well, I shouldn't be quite worried well for others, people sake, I should be but to be just fine.

I see people storm into their shops and lock them. This isn't good for my sake there back. I wonder who shopped there can ransack this time.

I just continue working because they're not going to bother me cause I only sell boxes and I'm not giving up my guns. They got a fight me for that.

I look on my right hand and remember the ring Doll gave me. I wonder if I get to see that little rascal again. Even though I am a for a little bit. Her spirits are high. I hope she likes the gift.

After thinking about that I start to hear gunshots from the distance. I know that Mable will be OK because she probably left the papers there and went back to to the house.

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