Little Lady

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POV Dipper ┏○)) ━━━━━━━━!

I'm walking around in the streets of gravity falls. It's a typical day for me because it's my day off. I don't have to worry about shipments with the guns. I don't have to worry about robberies and all that stuff and the shop.

I'm kind of criminal around these parts, but no one knows. I'm one of the biggest criminals around here, But no one knows. Another criminal is a major gang they're called the demons.

I don't really want to talk about my past. It's very confusing. I have done some things that can't be told. I've killed people and no one knows.

But forgetting all that my name is Mason pines but everyone in this town calls me Dipper. I'm a small shop owner with my sister. As I said before I am walking around the streets of gravity falls.

I could hear gunshots and yelling coming from behind me. I turn around and this young girl bumped into me. She looks about fourteen fifteen maybe. She has beautiful long, dirty blond long locks with dark brown eyes.

She was out of breath and limping. I didn't know what to do. I look and see the police behind her. I told her to stay behind me, and she was the perfect size.

"Dipper the girl where is she" He asked
"She pushed me and went over there" I pointed up a hill
"Thank you, Dipper" He smiled

The rest of them started to run up the hills. I look at the girl, and she's terrified. I see a tattoo on her wrist, and she's a part of the demons. I'm scared I'm just worried for her.

"What's your name" I asked
"Why did you help? " She asked
" you have a lot to learn. One make sure to hide your gun. Two make sure to hide the tattoo. 3 always have backup. " I said
" but but"
" and make sure to never get caught. The names Dipper. I'm not going to hurt you I'm not gonna turn you in I'm a friend not a foe." I said

I smiled at her and grabbed her hand and led her to my shop. She followed me back and I'm glad she did. Wherever she was going there will be cops covering the streets. I'm proud of her when I was that age, I couldn't even have the guts to walk in.

I closed all the blinds and locked the door. I go around back and give her a small bag. The things that she stole were in her tiny pockets. It must have been a drag to carry all those things with no bag.

" Why are you giving this to me? I did nothing to you. " She said
" I know I'm just proud of you. " I said
" you don't even know me, why are you proud? " She said
" Doll. When I was your age, I couldn't even have the courage to steal, anything. How old are you? " I asked
" I'm 14 and I'm orphan, but people took me in. " Doll said
" do you mind if I call you Doll? I know I can't know your real name because you are part of a. " I pointed at the tattoo
" you could see it! " She said
" yeah, here to cover it up. " I said giving her a black glove.
" why are you being so nice to me? " Doll asked
"Your right. I don't have to be nice to you, but I'm choosing to be." I said
" take this ring when I see you again and you're in trouble, I'll be there to help you" Doll smiled

I accepted the gift and put it on. The ring was exactly my size, who knew? I let her around back, so she can go where she needed to be. She looked kind of clueless of why I was doing this for her.

" Where you heading? " I asked
" the warehouses near the docks. " Doll said
" take a left. Then you'll see a shop go straight and that's your fastest route. " I said
"Thanks you Mr. Dipper. " Doll said

She smiles and waves goodbye, I smile back and then go back home.

POV Doll(nickname)

The man seems different from all the rest. This one helps others without questioning their past. Reliable somehow. I just can't believe he helped me, and he saw the tattoo. I wonder what's in the bag?

I hope I meet him again. I could thank him more for doing this for me. I just can't believe that he saved me knowing that I'm a criminal. Is he one to? I can't think ahead. Maybe he's just a kind, Sir.

I step into the warehouse where my family. They aren't well, my family, but they treat me like one. When I was about 5, he took me in. They cared for me. I owe them my life.

I see them all waiting for me. I know I'm in trouble, they never allowed me to leave by myself since I'm young. Everyone knows my family as 'the demons'

We're actually demons. We aren't the gifted people were different from them.

I freeze because the most powerful one stares at me.

" Star. We were worry sick about you. Where were you? " Bill said
" I'm very sorry I just wanted to do something on my own for once. " I said
" Star you could have gotten yourself, killed injured or even worse, caught by the police." Lady widow said
" learn how to trust me, I didn't even get caught. " I said
" I know you didn't get caught, but you almost did. " Will said
" Star never do that again and what's in the bag. " Andrew asked
" nothing. " I said

Bill walks up to me and I hand in the bag. I didn't even know was in the bag I was scared.

" A few 100 dollars. 5 guns wait. These aren't supposed to be shipped here until a month from now. Where did you get this Star? " Bill asked
" when I was running away this guy saved me, then he gave me the bag and gave me the fastest route here. But I got the money by myself. " I said in a shaky voice

Bill pats my head and smiles at me. I've never been this scared in my life. He had left back and tells me something.

" Star just promise me, you won't go alone again. "
" I promise" I said
" so tomorrow, bright and early, were visiting a shop that owes us money. " Bill smiles
" and they bought the shop, so we're gonna go easy on him, but if he doesn't give us money. He's dead. " Andrew smirked
"Okay " I said

I wonder who's a new shopkeeper?

I hope I get to see Mr. dipper again. He's a very nice.


My little potato is back!!!

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