We Talk And Drink

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POV Bill

I am nagging at Andrew for letting star getting away. I told him to watch star, but he loses her and now Will is finding her. Isn't this just an amazing day?

He only needed to water for a few more hours until I actually got home. I only went out for an hour. Next time I should just a lady widow watch her.

Now I have to see Dipper at the bar from downtown. I just need to make sure that star is o k before I leave.

" You suck ass at babysitting. You know that right? " I said.
" We were both in the same room sitting down listening to the radio and then she heard about a heist and ran outside. Then I saw you and will walk down and I told you that she ran off to find someone I guess. You can't blame me. " Andrew is going to die if we can't find star.

Then to her will and star. Thank God they're okay. Thanks to Andrew, I'm late meeting up with Dipper. It's a 6 now I was supposed to meet him there around 5 something.  I guess I'm gonna be an hour late. It's about to be 7 make it 2 hours late.

" Star where were you? " I said hugging her.
" She was at Dippers shop, he was injured, but he's fine star was just worried. " Star really a stop running off.
" What about the Dipper? " My expressions changed.
" He was shot, but he's all right now. " Oh, my gosh. I hope he's okay.
" why are you worried about him anyway? " Andrew said. Giving me a look.

I went to my room to go change because I looked awful. I need to stick up to my reputation. I don't want people seeing me in dirty close. I'm wearing a white dress shirt with a yellow tie with a black vest, black dress pants and black shoes and I grab my hat too.

I got in my room putting on my black glove on my right hand. Then I was stopped by lady widow.

" Where are you going so dapper, Bill." I've should have gone out the back.
" Nowhere just business. "
" so there's something up. Tell us till I'm your brother, I know you're lying."  William knows me very well.
" Come on, tell us. " Andrew, really.
" I'm just meeting up with someone he only wanted to talk to me, so don't follow me. " I said fixing my glove.
"Fineee." They all said.

I saw walking downtown and this is a rough side of town. I wonder why he wanted to meet me here. Everyone knows me downtown. They all show fear which I love. I walk in the only bar that's there and everyone looks at me.

I never came here to hang out. The only time I would come here is to get away from everyone else in the warehouse. I realize that this kind of looks like a club where everyone will go party and stuff. But it's only for criminals. And that's what makes it even more dangerous. I think I don't really know I was never the partying type.

Then they all go back to what they're doing. I walk up to the bar tender.

" Is Dipper here? "
" why would you want to know? "

I roll my eyes and asked him one more time, he said. The same thing. Then I see him come out of a different room. He was wearing a white dress shirt, dark brown dress pants and brown shoes. His sleeves we're rolled up messy.

The lights from the ceiling shined against his brown eyes. I made it look adorable. I'm completely frozen.

" Bill nice to see you, you don't have to get all fancy up just for me. "
" H-H-Hey" what's wrong with me?

He leased to a different room and everyone looking at us. What's going on.

" I can't believe dipper wanted to meet up with bill. "
" maybe it's his new toy. "

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