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the next day, jiah was home sick from school. she was sleeping until her phone rang, waking her up.

"what?" she answered groggily when she saw eunhye's name on the screen.

"jiah! seulin and i wanted to see how you were doing." eunhye asked. jiah could hear seulin saying "yes yes" in the background.

"did you really? i was actually sleeping." jiah said staring up at the ceiling of her bedroom.

"whoops. anyway, another reason we just had to call is to inform you that daniel asked us to sit with them at lunch. so seulin died multiple times today." eunhye said. there was a blast of protests from seulin in the background.

jiah laughed because seulin sounded so flustered.

"also, hwanwoong asked about you. so we told him you had a cold. is that the right response?" seulin chipped in.

"uh yes? because i actually do have a cold." jiah asked, blinking her eyes in confusion.

"right, so we'll be coming over right after school to pass you a few things and seulin can tell you all about how she's obsessed with daniel. so expect us in about half an hour."

"can't wait." jiah said, hanging up and putting the phone back down on the table next to her. she sat up slowly and sighed.

when she got downstairs, there was a bowl of soup in the microwave. she looked at it and vaguely remembered her mother mentioning it.

she heated up the soup and sat down at the table to drink it. she was enjoying the soup when the doorbell rang. she headed to the door and opened it to fond eunhye and seulin standing there. they went passed jiah and into the house.

"yes, please come in." jiah said sarcastically as the other two were already comfortably lounging on the couch. she went to join them.

"so, tell me about daniel if you must." jiah said.

"so, eunhye and i were walking to the cafeteria when we bumped into him. and he looked so handsome, with his perfect hair and his gorgeous face and-" seulin was cut off when eunhye decided to tell jiah instead.

"long story short. he asked us to sit with him. and taedong and hwanwoong were there too, naturally."

"wait, speaking of taedong, did you notice how cute he and eunhye are together?" seulin said. she dodged a pillow that flew at her from eunhye's direction.

"taedong? and me? no no no no no no no no." eunhye shook her head furiously.

"what? 8 no's? really?" jiah asked laughingly, her friends making her feel better almost instantly.

just then, the doorbell sounded again. the three friends looked at each other in confusion.

"uh, i'll get it." jiah said, pushing herself up and off the couch. she peered through the peephole and nearly had a heart attack when she saw yeo hwanwoong standing there.

she opened the door, slowly stepping outside and closed the door to prevent her friends from seeing who was at the door.

"hello. why are you here and how do you know where i live?" jiah looked at hwanwoong with wide eyes.

"to answer that second question, i was in the car when daniel dropped you off." he said.

"and to answer the first question. i heard you were sick and dont get me wrong i didnt buy this for you. i happened to have it with me." hwanwoong handed her a small medicine box.

jiah stared at the box in her hands and looked back at him. before she could say anything, he continued.

"and apparently since you'll probably be sitting with us at lunch i dont want to get sick from your gross germs. so take it. okay?"

"er okay. thank y-"

"hwanwoong! so nice to see you!"

the door swung open to reveal eunhye and seulin waving at him, both with wide grins. hwanwoong looked visibly uncomfortable.

"why are you guys hanging with someone so contagious? im leaving." he said to eunhye and seulin. he looked at jiah and smiled briefly before he turned and left the three girls staring after him.

jiah looked down at the medicine again. then she turned back to her friends, ignoring their smirks.

"you heard him. im sick, go home." jiah said.

"look, she doesn't want us to see her being all shy about hwanwoong." eunhye nudged seulin.

"shut up."


this took me 2 hours to write?? why is it so hard to stay focused smh

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