A Soul's Peak (Inanimate Insanity fanfic)

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The wind howls in the darkness if the night. No stars to be seen, the moon doesn't even glow in the sky. Tiny steps approach the house, carrying a basket full with goodies and treats, sweet to eat. The girl's eyes glow in the darkness has she opens the door slowly. As she walks in the doors creak. Creakkk. Creakkkk.

The slammed closed behind her, she ignored it and walked to the door with the pink flowers on it. She approached the door an opened it, she peaked her head in the room. Looking around to see no one there.

"Hello?" The girl called out, she tip-toed to the jack in the box to see if her friend was there.

She turned the handle around, the creepy music played but no one popped out of the box.

"Are you even here?" She said as she stepped backwards, hitting her back against the wall with black flowers on it. Turning she saw nothing expect flowers.

"This isn't funny! Where are you?"

No reply, no nothing. The girl had tears in her eyes, she was shaking like she had stage fright. The warm tears ran down her face, as she felt something go through her. Everything went pitch black then back to the real world, it was almost like she passed out. She stood up and saw her friend, but she looked different. She didn’t really mind, she could change her look once in awhile.

She soon hugged her friend, sighing in relief,”Oh! I thought you would never come!”

The friend didn’t speak instead she turned to see the little girl with white hair, her gray eyes stared into her soul-less eyes.

“Tisk, Tisk....I see that I have a visitor,” the friend said with a demonic voice, she licks her lips, “I see that I have a soul to snack on.”

The girl walked backwards, trying to get away from the friend. She trips backwards and hits her head on the wall, she loses consciousness. Blood drips down the wall from the girl’s head, her white hair starts to turn red, a blood red. The scent of fresh blood went around the room ever so swiftly.

The friend pucker her lips and went towards the girl, craving her soul for a snack. Reaching into the girl’s unconscious body, she pulls out a soul that is ever so sweet. Sweet as a Marshmallow, but it has a little bitterness to it as well. For it was starting to spoil, from her new friend/ old enemy has just broke her heart with her evil plan to use her.

The friend ate her soul, keeping it safe from anyone from saving her. She could now use the girl as an evil slave for her plan. The girl smirked as her evil plan started to unravel, though who could stop this girl....?


“I got it Nickel!” called out a teen with wavy brunette hair with golden in the front.

Two other teens watched her chase after the rubber ball, both grinned at each other.

“She’s so cute, right, Baseball?” asked the gray haired teen.

“Yeah, she is. She’s also so innocent, Nickel,” replied Baseball.

They both chuckled loudly as the girl returns with the rubber ball, she smiles at them.

“Throw it again!” she shouts in a sweet voice.

Nickel fixed her ponytail, “Maybe later, we have to meet the others in the dining hall for lunch.”

She pouted like a little five year old does, Baseball silently laughed.

“No fair! I just want to play!” she hissed at the two boys.

They laughed even more, she was about to cry and run to her tent. The boys quickly stopped, they never her too well. Way too well.

“Maybe we have lunch Suitcase,” Baseball acknowledged to the girl, but she justed pouted more.

“But I’m not hungryyyyy,” Suitcase whined to them.

“They’re serving french fries and chicken nuggets,” answered Nickel.

Her eyes widen and she licked her lips; she loved the taste of warm chicken nuggets being dipped into the red ketchup. She broke free of Nickel’s weak grasp and started to sprint to the dining hall, “Last one there gets no chicken nuggets!”

Both boys laughed as they ran after her, but they couldn’t catch up to her speed.

What they didn’t know that someone was watching them.....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2014 ⏰

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