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  "Did her sugar bottom out?" I asked, running into the room. Jackson was just standing there.

"Yeah, she's in a coma."

"Intubate her, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Well, Bailey's not here and she told me not to do anything until she came back with Webber." He replied.

"Do you stupid kids even know what to do?! You're bickering over my dying wife like idiots!" Sean shouted. I bit my lip for a second as Jackson pretended to do something productive.

"I assure you that we know what we're doing." Jackson said.

"Okay, Sean. I know that you are very worried about your wife, but yes. We know what to do. We went through six years of medical school, so yes. We are not dumb kids just because we're young. Let us work." I growled and took my spot beside Jackson just before Bailey walked in.

"What happened?" Richard asked.

"Sugar bottomed out again. No response." Jackson updated the chief.

"Why won't she wake up?" Sean asked.

"She's in a hypoglycemic coma. Her sugar dropped too fast, so her brain doesn't have enough to feed on." Bailey said as the monitor beeped even more rapidly.

"Alright SAT's are dropping, and she's got rales." Jackson said.

"I need to intubate." I told the doctors.

"I'll set that up." Jackson offered, and I nodded.

"What? Wait what's going on?" Sean asked.

"Mr. Green, there's no time to waste." Webber said. "If we're going to try the islet cell transplant, we need your consent."

"O-Okay, do whatever you need to save her!" Sean stuttered. The attending and chief of surgery left the room.

"Dr. Avery, just give me the gloves." I said as he went through a bunch of materials. "She needs to be intubated." Jackson threw a pair of light blue gloves and I snapped them on and lowered the setting of the bed so she was flat on her back. "Give me a 6-0 tube." I ordered. He passed me the medical tools needed and I intubated her. Her sats started going back up.

"Okay..." Jackson sighed.

"Let's get her into the O.R." I started to get the gurney ready for transportation.


"Okay, we're through the Peritoneum and ready for the implant." Jackson announced. I was watching everything, standing right across from Jackson.

"Anything from the FDA?" Webber asked the nurse on the phone. The nurse shook her head. "Damn it..."

"Sir, I think we should wait." Bailey advised.

"The longer we wait, the worse her condition gets." Webber argued.

"I know, but are you sure we're doing this for the right reason?" Bailey asked. "That you're not trying to prove a point?"

"I'm trying to save my patient." Webber stood his ground. "That's all." Then he started. "Hybrid device." Richard requested, and Jackson gave him the device with Islet cells inside. The forceps touched the device and moved it into the body. I looked at Jackson and saw him look back. His attractive eyes captivated me. I looked back down at the blue covers that covered the patient. "Implanting it in the omentum, near the large intestine loops." Once he put it in, he let Jackson put everything over the cell device and sew her up. "Alright. She's ready to be fixed up and brought back to the room. Avery, stitch her up." He instructed.

Flatline ~ Jackson AveryWhere stories live. Discover now