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okay, so i'm in p.e./health in second block and the cutest man is our teacher. likeeee. 😍

i'm in looovVVEE.


stuff happened on thursday – or whatever day it was – because we had health but i had forgot the specific stuff, so i can't tell you what happened.

on monday's, wednesday's and half of friday we have p.e., and on tuesday's, thursday's and the other half of friday, we have health.

okay so at the end of the class, i was telling stephanie to help me with my bag because i had this 3 inch binder and my book bag is small as crap, so i don't know how i thought i was going to fit all my stuff.

she was waiting, but she didn't help me with my stuff. 😂

when we got out of the class, we got to the end of the hall and we turned and he was in a room where all the coaches can go and he was talking to someone.

there is a door that is open and that's where the gym is and we were walking towards it and stephanie moved in front of it and was like,

"i don't want him to look at me."

i was like, "girl, he can look at me all day. all day. if you know what i'm saying.😏"

and by that time, he was already making his way towards the same door we were.

so i was like, "let me stop. i am not trying to get reported."

and when we moved from behind the door, he was sMIRKING RIGHT AT ME like AJABjahkajAJAJSJAKKA 😭❤️

but that was yesterday. i just had to tell you that so some of the parts would make sense for today's story time.

this is what happened today. 👇🏽👇🏽

when i got to class, we had to change out today (obviously) so i went back to the changing rooms.

and whenever we had to come back to the gym, he was talking to this lady.

i think he was saying stuff about what i said about him this morning in the hallway. 😂😂

or what happened on thursday.

👉🏽 okay, so i forgot to mention about what happened this morning, so i'm going to put it here and hopefully it won't be confusing.

this morning i was going to breakfast with my friend named jason and i told him to wait because i had to wipe my shoes off. so i went inside the restroom and he went inside the boys' because he said he didn't want to seem "like a creep". 🙄 so, then i texted jason and asked where he was at and he said,

"right here."

and i asked where? like wtf does that mean? i'm obviously in the rest room, how am i going to know where right here is?

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