I'm a Mess

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My pacing was increasingly frantic. I had taken three more tests and each confirmed the original result. I was pregnant. My heart was racing. Maybe drinking the giant slurpee was a bad idea. I picked up my phone and looked at his name. I had wanted to call but the way we left it seemed so final and complete I didn't want to screw it up.

I kept thinking about that night.

"So here" he said

"Wow more keys"

"I didn't know where we stood, so I got you your own room"

"Oh well, where's your room?"

"Right across from yours"

I pulled him in for a kiss. "Show me."

We raced up the stairs to his room. I told myself at the start of the evening that I wouldn't spend the night with Logan. I needed to be strong, but the champagne coupled with his proximity rendered me unable. He pressed me gently against the door and kissed me as he unlocked it. Oh how I've missed this. My hands started unbuttoning his vest and then his shirt. It definitely is never boring when we are together. We were good like that. We were good like this. I always felt so alive when I was with him.

This would be it, our last time. This would be my one last cigarette before I quit cold turkey tomorrow. No that analogy was terrible, his body could never be compared to a cigarette. He took off my jacket and threw it on the chair. Each movement we made resulted in less clothing.

My hands eagerly felt every inch of his body. Maybe better to say one last piece of chocolate cake before the diet starts? His arms wrapped around me lifting me onto the bed. His body felt good against mine. His kissing slowly moved from my lips down my chin and around the nape of my neck. Definitely chocolate cake.

"Let them eat cake" I accidently whispered out loud.

He stopped kissing my neck and looked at me confused "What?"

"Nothing" I giggled and then kissed him a little more forcefully and he quickly forgot his question. His hands moved gently across my skin, my body responding to his every touch.

Even just thinking about it gave me goosebumps. I should have just gone to my own room. I should have paid more attention to make sure we were being careful. I should not have been sleeping with another woman's fiancée. What could I possibly have been thinking?

I wasn't thinking and now I was pregnant.

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