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I had gotten a text from Logan saying he was sending a car to pick me up. I spent longer than usual primping and getting ready for the evening. I curled my hair loosely and put a lipstick with actual color on my lips. I picked out a black long sleeve figure fitting dress with an open back, that I bought with no occasion to wear it. It was sexier than my typical garb and I thought I needed a special occasion to wear it, this seemed like just the occasion. I put on a pair of black high heels and the pair of hoop earrings Logan had bought for me that I wore whenever I was missing him. I admired myself in the mirror, pleased with my appearance.

I ran downstairs after seeing the car pull up in front of my building.

"Rory Gilmore?" the driver asked standing beside the car.

"That's me" I said with a smile.

"Right this way Miss" he said opening the door to the car.

When we pulled up at the restaurant it was packed with people. I weaved my way through a sea of people to get to the Maitre D.

"Do you have a reservation?" he spoke without looking up from the chart he was staring at.

"I'm meeting someone, the reservation is under Huntzberger."

His head snapped up as soon as I said the name Huntzberger "Absolutely Miss, Mr. Huntzberger is already here. Let me take you to the table."

He took my coat and led me through the restaurant to a private room in the back of the dining room. He opened the door and I saw Logan standing there on the phone with a glass of what I assumed to be scotch in his hand. He smiled when he saw me, holding up his finger and mouthing "sorry."

"I hope you two enjoy your dinner" the Maitre D said quietly as he exited the room, closing the door behind him.

I could hear a woman's voice speaking very rapidly on the phone, while Logan nodded silently and nursed his scotch.

"I know, I know. I promise we can discuss it at length tomorrow, but if Mitchum calls?" he asked looking frustrated. "Thank you, I owe you big time. I'll see you tomorrow? . . Yeah I will. . . Okay bye."

"Hey Ace" Logan said leaning in a kissing me on the cheek. His breath was thick with alcohol.

"Hey yourself. Pretty fancy treatment Huntzberger."

"Oh yeah, it's amazing what you can get when you start name dropping" he scoffed.

"Is everything okay?" I asked pointing to his phone.

"Oh yeah" he said fidgeting with his collar, his eyes were fixated on the table between them.

"Are you sure you're okay? We didn't have to go out tonight, you must be exhausted."

"No it's fine. I'm sorry, I just am a little distracted."

"So how was your meeting?"

"My father showed up."

"Well that explains why you're distracted."

He chuckled and finished the remainder of his drink.

The waiter entered the room.

"Good evening, what could I get you to drink?" he asked me politely.

"Vodka martini with a twist please."

"Another scotch for you, sir?"

Logan nodded.

"Martini?" he asked waiting until the waiter had left the room before he began to speak.

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