Wake Me Up

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I woke up wrapped up in Logan's arms. His warmth cocooned my body. My mouth was dry and my head was throbbing but I still had a sense of comfort from being near him. I smiled thinking about the events from last night. It had been a long time since I had such a connection with someone in that way. Well, it had been since the last time Logan and I were together. That thought hit me and immediately followed by it was - crap, I just had sex with my ex.

"Good morning Ace" his voice was husky.

"That was bad" I groaned rubbing my head.

"Ouch Ace, that hurts the ego" he said feigning insult.

"You know what I mean."

"I clearly don't, I thought that was amazing." He said kissing her shoulder.

I put my hands on his chest separating our bodies "Logan, I'm not saying it wasn't amazing."

"Well then what's the problem?" he smirked and continued to kiss down my arm as he held my hand.

"We haven't seen each other in 8 years. Then we spend one evening together."

"I would have gone looking for you earlier if I knew this would happen every time we saw one another."

"Logan I'm not joking. This is serious." I said slipping out of bed and grabbing Logan's undershirt and my underwear.

Logan slipped his boxers on and started exiting the bedroom.

"Where are you going?" I called after him. Hopping to get my underwear on as I chased after him.

"I'm making coffee. If we are going to have a serious conversation I'm going to need coffee."

I couldn't disagree with him there. The view from his room was even more spectacular in the sunlight. I walked on the balcony and leaned against the railing.

"The view is really breathtaking" I said when I heard Logan walking onto the balcony behind me.

"Yes" he sighed and I could tell he was watching me "Yes it is."

I turned and saw that my suspicions were right. He wasn't enjoying the cityscape his eyes were fixated on me. He handed me the cup of coffee.

"Thanks" I said as I took a sip.

"Better Ace?"

"We had sex Logan! I'm sorry, I'm having a major freak out moment!"

"Yeah I got that" he said sitting down in one of the chairs on the balcony. He looked hurt.

"Hey" I said softer this time "I just wasn't expecting this to happen."

"Rory" he sighed putting his coffee cup on the table.

I just kept rambling "I know. I was having a crappy day until I ran into you. We had too much wine. We got carried away. I was drunk and you, well you look like that and. . ."

"Rory" he said more forcefully this time, to stop my ramble. He stood up and walked towards me leaning on the balcony railing next to me and placing his hand on the small of my back. The sensation of his touch gave me goosebumps. "I'm happy that we ran into each other yesterday." He leaned in and kissed me.

"Logan" I whispered. My whole body responding to his kiss. "We shouldn't" as I said it though, my arms were wrapping around his waist and my hands moved slowly up his back pulling him closer to me. My protests were weak. My body had already made up my mind. I wanted him. He grabbed my hand and led me back into the bedroom.

I didn't have the strength to try and bring up the topic again. Logan ordered us room service, while I responded to emails on my cell phone. He sat next to me on the couch, clicking through his phone. I shifted closer to him and leaned my head on his shoulder.

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